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[英]What is the best practice for KV object in java?

What is the best practice for creating a single key value object in java? 在Java中创建单个键值对象的最佳实践是什么? I know there is: Object, Pair, Map.Entry , KeyValue. 我知道有:对象,配对,Map.Entry,KeyValue。 For a simple KV use such as {"name":"coolName"} what should i use? 对于简单的KV使用,例如{“ name”:“ coolName”},我应该使用什么?

The most standard way to represent a key-value pair is with Map.Entry : 表示键值对的最标准方法是使用Map.Entry

A map entry (key-value pair). 映射条目(键值对)。

This is better than the others you suggest because: 这比您建议的其他方法要好,因为:

  • Object : has no notion of it having any meaningful structure Object :不具有任何有意义的结构的概念
  • Pair : better, but does not semantically convey that the first thing is a key and the second is a value. Pair :更好,但在语义上没有传达第一件事是键,第二件事是值。
  • KeyValue : don't know what this is, but I don't think it's part of the standard SDK. KeyValue :不知道这是什么,但我认为它不是标准SDK的一部分。

Map.Entry is in java.util , so it's available everywhere. Map.Entryjava.util ,因此随处可见。

You can create an instance using: 您可以使用以下方法创建实例:

new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(key, value)

As pointed out by Michael , Java 9 adds a helper method : 正如Michael指出的那样,Java 9添加了一个辅助方法

Map.entry(key, value)

您可以使用Pair<K,V> (来自commons-lang3的Map.Entry<K,V>的实现)和Java 11中的相关方法: Map.entry

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