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[英]removeChild doesn't work when called from a timeout at page load

I've got a HTML div that is supposed to hold dynamically generated children. 我有一个HTML div,它应该包含动态生成的子代。 Said children are to be removed from the list after a set amount of time (eg 1000 ms). 在设定的时间(例如1000 ms)后,将这些孩子从列表中删除。

I've seen people having issues about the scope in a timeout function but I don't think that's it. 我见过人们对超时功能的作用域有疑问,但我认为不是那样。

function pushAlert(type, text) {
    let newItem;

    // newItem gets generated here.

    alertList.innerHTML += newItem;

    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);


function popAlert(e) {
    if (e) {
    } else {
        alertList.removeChild(alertList.firstChild); <!-- gets here but doesn't remove the child. console.log on alertList and alertList.firstChild displays the proper elements. -->

pushAlert works every time. pushAlert每次都能工作。

popAlert works for times when pushAlert was called after page load. popAlert在页面加载后调用pushAlert的时间内起作用。

<script src='../js/alerts.js'></script>
pushAlert('info', 'info');

If I call pushAlert like this, the timeout that is supposed to call popAlert works, but popAlert does not remove the child. 如果我这样调用pushAlert,则应该调用popAlert的超时有效,但popAlert不会删除该子级。 But if I call pushAlert from the event of a form submit, everything works properly, including the timeout-ed popAlert. 但是,如果我从表单提交事件中调用pushAlert,则所有内容都可以正常工作,包括超时的popAlert。

EDIT: gif showing a visualization of the issue https://i.gyazo.com/aa3dc08af016450c7082482ec34a277c.mp4 编辑:显示问题可视化效果的gif https://i.gyazo.com/aa3dc08af016450c7082482ec34a277c.mp4

Use .firstElementChild . 使用.firstElementChild

.firstChild will get first child which can be a node of any type . .firstChild将获得第一个子节点,该节点可以是任何类型节点

.firstElementChild will only get the first child which is a node of element type. .firstElementChild将仅获取第一个子元素,该子元素是元素类型的节点。

To illustrate, you can click the two buttons in the snippet below to see the response: 为了说明这一点,您可以单击下面的代码片段中的两个按钮来查看响应:

 firstChild.addEventListener('click', removeFirstChild); firstElementChild.addEventListener('click', removeFirstElementChild); function removeFirstChild(){ alertList.removeChild(alertList.firstChild); } function removeFirstElementChild(){ alertList.removeChild(alertList.firstElementChild); } 
 <div id="alertList"> <p>This is paragraph 0.</p> <p>This is paragraph 1.</p> <p>This is paragraph 2.</p> </div> <button id="firstChild">firstChild</button> <button id="firstElementChild">firstElementChild</button> 

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