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[英]How to colorize command output in bash script?

I'am trying few days to change color output from command in bash script. 我正在尝试几天来更改bash脚本中命令的颜色输出。 I tried some workflows with eg trap but without success.The only what partially working is this code: 我尝试了一些工作流程,例如使用陷阱,但没有成功。唯一可以部分工作的代码是:



echo -e "${GRN}Formating Root partition ..${END}"

echo -e "${CYN}"
(set -x ; mkfs.ext4 -L Root -m 5 /dev/sda2) | GREP_COLOR='49;38;5;007' grep --color=always '.*' 
echo -e "${END}"

echo -e "${GRN}Formating Home partition ..${END}"


Is there some better way how to do it. 是否有一些更好的方法来做到这一点。 Thank you. 谢谢。

What I want is this: 我想要的是:

Formating Root partition ..                                    <= Green
mkfs.ext4 -L Root -m 5 /dev/sda2                               <= Cyan
mke2fs 1.45.2 (27-May-2019)                                    <= Grey
Creating filesystem with 9175040 4k blocks and 2293760 inodes  <= Grey
Filesystem UUID: ...                                           <= Grey
...                                                            <= Grey
Formating Home partition ..                                    <= Green

You can use the below script, tested on mac and ubuntu. 您可以使用在Mac和ubuntu上经过测试的以下脚本。

each function accept two-argument, 每个函数接受两个参数,

  1. for sample string output for example green "will print green" 用于示例字符串输出,例如green "will print green"
  2. Print command output for example red "will print Free space in red:" "free -m" free -m 打印命令输出,例如red "will print Free space in red:" "free -m" free -m

bash script bash脚本

set +x
function black(){
    echo -e "\x1B[30m $1 \x1B[0m"
    if [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then
    echo -e "\x1B[30m $($2) \x1B[0m"
function red(){
    echo -e "\x1B[31m $1 \x1B[0m"
    if [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then
    echo -e "\x1B[31m $($2) \x1B[0m"
function green(){
    echo -e "\x1B[32m $1 \x1B[0m"
    if [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then
    echo -e "\x1B[32m $($2) \x1B[0m"
function yellow(){
    echo -e "\x1B[33m $1 \x1B[0m"
    if [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then
    echo -e "\x1B[33m $($2) \x1B[0m"
function blue(){
    echo -e "\x1B[34m $1 \x1B[0m"
    if [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then
    echo -e "\x1B[34m $($2) \x1B[0m"
function purple(){
    echo -e "\x1B[35m $1 \x1B[0m \c"
    if [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then
    echo -e "\x1B[35m $($2) \x1B[0m"
function cyan(){
    echo -e "\x1B[36m $1 \x1B[0m"
    if [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then
    echo -e "\x1B[36m $($2) \x1B[0m"
function white(){

    echo -e "\x1B[37m $1 \x1B[0m"
    if [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then
    echo -e "\x1B[33m $($2) \x1B[0m"

green "Green: Formating Root partition .."
white "White: Formating Root partition .."
# pass the second parameter, will be treated as command
yellow "color command output,print ls:" "ls"
red "Red: System Free RAM:" "free -m"
cyan "cyan: awesome..........end..................."
echo -e "mix the color $(purple "Purple: this is purple, will print disk usage" "du -h") Now Yellow: $(yellow "hi Yelow") "


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