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[英]Binding value from parent Page ViewModel to UserControl

I write new WPF MVVM app. 我编写新的WPF MVVM应用程序。 I new in WPF. 我是WPF的新手。 I have problem with binding value to StageControl from MainPageModelView. 我从MainPageModelView将值绑定到StageControl时遇到问题。 StageControl is in MainPage. StageControl在MainPage中。 I know how binding value to element in MainPage, but I can't binding value to StageControl in this same way. 我知道如何将值绑定到MainPage中的元素,但是无法以相同的方式将值绑定到StageControl。 How can I binding value from MainPageModelView to StageControl? 如何将值从MainPageModelView绑定到StageControl? Code: 码:

MainPage.xaml MainPage.xaml

<my:StageControl x:Name="stageControl1" StageIsActive="true"  StageName="{Binding Stage.Name}" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0"/>
<Label x:Name="lbTest" Content="{Binding Test}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="104,10,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="56" Width="68"/>

StageControl.xaml.cs StageControl.xaml.cs

public partial class StageControl : UserControl
        string stageName;
        bool stageIsActive;

        public StageControl()

        public bool StageIsActive
            get { return this.stageIsActive; }
            set { this.stageIsActive = SetStageControlStatus(value); }

        public string StageName
            get { return this.stageName; }
            set { this.stageName = SetStageName(value); }

        private bool SetStageControlStatus(bool value)
            if (value)
                this.outRing.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
                return true;
                this.outRing.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                return false;

        private string SetStageName(string value)
            this.text.Text = value;
            return this.text.Text;

MainPageViewModel.cs MainPageViewModel.cs

class MainPageViewModel
        public List<Stage> Stages = new List<Stage>();
        public Stage stage = new Stage(0, "Test", true);

        public MainPageViewModel()
            Stages = Stage.GetStages();

        public string Test
            get { return "Testowy Label"; }
            set { }


Edit: MainPage.xaml.css 编辑: MainPage.xaml.css

public MainPage()
            MainPageViewModel viewModel = new MainPageViewModel();
            this.DataContext = viewModel;

I solved the problem. 我解决了问题。 First I add dependency property to StageControl.xaml.cs, then I add binding to StageControl.xaml 首先,我将依赖性属性添加到StageControl.xaml.cs,然后将绑定添加到StageControl.xaml

<TextBlock x:Name="text" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding ElementName=Stage, Path=StageName}" TextAlignment="Center"  FontSize="12" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

public Stage Stage {get;set;} = new Stage(0,"Test",true);


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