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[英]Results for IN and EXISTS

I have two table Table_hold and table_pass and I am using the following query to find out if any id in Table_pass exists, then delete the same from Table_hold.我有两个表Table_holdtable_pass ,我正在使用以下查询来找出 Table_pass 中是否存在任何 id,然后从 Table_hold 中删除相同的。 I am using below query:我正在使用以下查询:

delete from Table_hold
        where  EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Table_pass pass
            WHERE id = pass.id );

Is there something wrong with this query?这个查询有问题吗? Even though there is Id=4 in table_hold and it's not there in table_pass, it still it got deleted from table_hold.即使 table_hold 中有 Id=4 并且它在 table_pass 中不存在,它仍然从 table_hold 中删除。

Below are the dummy tables I created:以下是我创建的虚拟表:

create table Table_pass(id1 number);
create table table_hold(id1 number);

insert into table_pass values(1);
insert into table_pass values(2);
insert into table_pass values(3);
insert into table_hold values(4);

 delete from Table_hold
 where  EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Table_pass pass
 WHERE id1 = pass.id1 );

This query deletes one row with ID 4 in table_hold.此查询删除 table_hold 中 ID 为 4 的一行。

Qualify all column references!限定所有列引用!

delete from Table_hold
    where exists (select 1
                  from Table_pass p
                  where p.id = table_hold.id

This subquery:这个子查询:

              FROM Table_pass pass
              WHERE id = pass.id

has a reference to id .引用了id How is it resolved?它是如何解决的? Well, from the inside out.嗯,由内而外。 So this is equivalent to:所以这相当于:

              FROM Table_pass pass
              WHERE pass.id = pass.id
--------------------^ NOT table_hold

The solution is to get in the habit of qualifying all column names.解决方案是养成限定所有列名的习惯。

try like below尝试如下

delete from Table_hold t1
 where  EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Table_pass t2
 WHERE t2.id1 = t1.id1 );

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