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[英]Creating multiple elements using javascript with some element in created element

I'm trying to use javascript to create a set of elements over and over again once the user enters a text where it would display the text with a button with an image in it to the side of it but I could not find a way to do it efficiently. 我试图使用javascript一遍又一遍地创建一组元素,一旦用户输入文本,它将在文本的侧面显示带有带有图像的按钮的文本,但是我找不到方法有效地做到这一点。

The current method I was going to create would require each element to have a id tag to it so that I could call appendChild to join the elements together. 我要创建的当前方法将要求每个元素都具有一个id标记,以便我可以调用appendChild将这些元素连接在一起。

I also need to have a create element be appended into another create element which adds to the issues 我还需要将create元素追加到另一个create元素中,这会增加问题

This is what I'm trying to achieve in the html code (the div would not be needed to be created as it is in the html code already) 这就是我试图在html代码中实现的(不需要在html代码中创建div,因为它已经在html代码中了)

 function addToList(input) { console.log(x); let task = document.createElement('p'); task.id = x; task.appendChild(document.createTextNode(input)); document.getElementById('listOfTasks').appendChild(task); addCheckBox(x); x++; } function addCheckBox(id) { let checkBox = document.createElement('a'); checkBox.className = 'button is-rounded is-small'; checkBox.id = 'checkBox'; document.getElementById(id).appendChild(checkBox); let a = document.createElement('span'); a.className = 'icon is-small'; a.id = 'apple'; document.getElementById(id).appendChild(a); let b = document.createElement('i'); b.className = 'fas fa-check'; document.getElementById(id).appendChild(b); } 
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bulma/0.7.5/css/bulma.min.css"/> <script defer src="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.3.1/js/all.js"></script> <div class="container"> <div id="listOfTasks"></div> </div> <section class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="field box form-popup" id="addTask"> <div class="control"> <div class="field is-grouped"> <label class="label"><b>Task to add</b></label> </div> <input type="text" class="input" placeholder="Enter Task" id="task" required /> </div> <button type="button submit" class="button is-success" id="submit" onclick="closeForm()" > Add </button> </div> </div> </section> 

The current output is shown as 当前输出显示为

Would be grateful if anyone knows a better method to do this 如果有人知道更好的方法将不胜感激

Make a function that reduces boilerplate code when creating element 创建一个在创建元素时减少样板代码的函数

function create(name, props, children) {
  let elem = document.createElement(name); // create it
  const parent = props.parent              // we use parent prop elsewhere
  let keys = Object.keys(props)            // collect keys
  keys = keys.filter(function(key) {       // remove parent prop from keys
    return key !== 'parent'
  keys.forEach(function(key) {             // assign props to element
    elem.setAttribute(key, props[key])
  if (children && children.length) {       // add children to element
    children.forEach(function(child) {
  if (parent) {                            // attach to parent
  return elem                              // return it, to customize further

And then 接着

function addCheckBox(id) {
  create('a', {
    id: 'checkBox',                          // simple prop
    parent: id,                              // parent prop
    class: 'button is-rounded is-small'  // simple prop
  var span = create('span', {
    parent: id,
    id: 'apple',
    class: 'icon is-small'
  }, [create('i', {                      // demo of children
    class: 'fa fa-check'
  span.setAttribute('data-something', 1) // demo of customizing

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