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[英]What is the maximum value for UID in an email inbox folder?

I'm working on an application that uses the UID to fetch emails from exchange server. 我正在使用UID从交换服务器获取电子邮件的应用程序。 The UID appears to be only 6 digits long. UID似乎只有6位数字长。 Does that mean its maximum value is 999999? 这是否意味着其最大值为999999? It's possible my inbox will reach over 1 million emails and I need a way to uniquely identify each email in the Inbox folder. 我的收件箱可能会收到超过一百万封电子邮件,并且我需要一种方法来唯一标识“收件箱”文件夹中的每封电子邮件。

By the RFC , it can be up to a 32-bit number, so 4,294,967,295: 通过RFC ,它最多可以是32位数字,因此4,294,967,295:

Unique Identifier (UID) Message Attribute: A 32-bit value assigned to each message, which when used with the unique identifier validity value (see below) forms a 64-bit value that MUST NOT refer to any other message in the mailbox or any subsequent mailbox with the same name forever. 唯一标识符(UID)消息属性:分配给每个消息的32位值,与唯一标识符有效性值(请参阅下文)一起使用时,将形成一个64位值,该值不得引用邮箱中的任何其他消息或任何其他消息。后续的邮箱永远具有相同的名称。

If you've had more than 4 billion emails in the past, the server will be forced to reindex, and change the UIDVALIDITY , invalidating any client caches. 如果您过去拥有超过40亿封电子邮件,服务器将被迫重新索引并更改UIDVALIDITY ,从而使所有客户端缓存无效。 If you currently have more than 4 billion, this cannot be strictly represented by an IMAP server. 如果您当前拥有的资产超过40亿,则IMAP服务器无法严格代表这一点。

Any given server implementation may have lower limits. 任何给定的服务器实现都可能具有较低的限制。 The numbers aren't zero padded, so it's likely you just haven't had a million messages yet. 这些数字不是零填充的,因此很可能您还没有一百万条消息。 When you do, you'll start seeing seven-digit UIDs. 完成后,您将开始看到七位数的UID。


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