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[英]Indices of dataframe columns in Pandas

The main problem is to create a list full of categorical factor's indices 主要问题是创建一个充满分类因子索引的列表

There is dataframe with lots of columns types of which were detemined before importing file with pd.read_csv() . 在使用pd.read_csv()导入文件之前,已经确定了具有许多列类型的数据pd.read_csv()

dtypes = {
    'Format_type': 'category',
    'Geo_new': 'category',
    'Age_min': 'int16',
    'Age_max': 'int16',
    'Sex': 'category',

So I made a table with columns names and their indices , and than take categorical colums by myself 因此,我用列名及其索引创建了一个表,然后我自己处理了分类

col_list = [i for i in (df.columns.get_values())]
idx_list = [i for i in range(len(df.columns.get_values()))]
column_num = pd.DataFrame(data = {'column_name': col_list,
                                  'idx_list': idx_list})

Than get table of columns name column_name and indices idx_list 比获取列名column_name和索引idx_list

column_name idx_list
Format_type 5
Geo_new     6
Age_min     7
Age_max     8
Sex         9

and insert categorical columns indices in the list: 并在列表中插入分类列索引:

categorical_features = [...5, 6, 9...]

Thus, i fill list by myself. 因此,我自己填写清单。 Is there the way to create list of columns, which values are calegory automatically? 是否有创建的列清单的方式,它的值是calegory自动?

I believe you need DataFrame.select_dtypes with Index.get_indexer for indices: 我相信你需要DataFrame.select_dtypesIndex.get_indexer的指标:

df = pd.DataFrame({
         'D': pd.Categorical([1,3,5,7,1,0]),

c = df.select_dtypes('category').columns
print (c)
Index(['B', 'D'], dtype='object')

i = df.columns.get_indexer(df.select_dtypes('category').columns)
print (i)
[1 3]

Also your code should be simlify: 另外,您的代码应简化:

col_list = df.columns.tolist()
idx_list = range(len(col_list))
column_num = pd.DataFrame(data = {'column_name': col_list, 'idx_list': idx_list})


categorical_list = list(np.where(df.dtypes == 'category')[0])

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