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[英]How to change user's permissions under django?

I am working on Geonode and when I add a new layer, people who are not logged in are not suppose to see the layers but I would like to change it and allow it to everyone. 我正在使用Geonode,当我添加一个新图层时,未登录的人员不会看到这些图层,但是我想对其进行更改并允许所有人使用。 I saw on an old forum that it was possible by changing the SKIP_PERMS_FILTER in a file and the read_list too, but I am not use to django and I don't know what to change. 我在一个旧论坛上看到,可以通过更改文件和read_list中的SKIP_PERMS_FILTER来实现,但是我不习惯使用django,也不知道要更改什么。

SKIP_PERMS_FILTER = strtobool(os.getenv('SKIP_PERMS_FILTER', 'False')) 

def read_list(self, object_list, bundle):
        permitted_ids = get_objects_for_user(

        return object_list.filter(id__in=permitted_ids)

为了解决该问题,只需删除假定要打印图层的函数之前的代码中的{% if user.is_authenticated %}语句。

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