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[英]Hiding DIV a few levels above another div if the lower div contains specific text

I'm using a website to learn another spoken language. 我正在使用一个网站来学习另一种口头语言。 I'm far into the tree of the website (levels of knowledge) and It takes a few moments to scroll down to the part of the page where my next lesson is. 我已经深入到网站的树(知识水平)中了,需要花一些时间才能向下滚动到页面的下一节。 I would like to hide the completed div elements and see only the incomplete items. 我想隐藏已完成的div元素,仅查看未完成的项。 (Duolingo) (Duolingo)

There used to be a piece of javascript that I could click on in my bookmarks bar and it would do this automatically. 过去我可以在书签栏中单击一段JavaScript,它会自动执行此操作。 But this has broken with the updates to the website. 但这与网站的更新中断了。

I would like to create my own and simply need help figuring out how to get going in targeting my divs. 我想创建自己的,只需要帮助弄清楚如何针对div进行定位即可。

I am able to use getElementsByClassName to see the array of divs which are on the page. 我可以使用getElementsByClassName来查看页面上的div数组。

<div class="QmbDT">
    <a class="Af4up" href="javascript:;">
        <div class="_2albn">
            <div class="_2969E">
                <div class="_39IKr">
                    <div class="_3zkuO" style="height: 106px; width: 106px;">
                        <div class="_3o9cS"><svg height="106" width="106">
                                <g transform="translate(53, 53)">
                                    <path class="_1IdLW"
                </div><span class="_1z_vo _3hKMG ewiWc"><span class="_1S0M4 _3KBC1 _780Gf _9l65a _3aw24 MrbBK"></span>
                    <div class="_26l3y"><img alt="crown" class="_2PyWM"
                        <div class="qLLbC">5</div>
            <div class="_21B3_"><span class="_378Tf _3qO9M _33VdW">Family 4</span></div>

I'm trying to target any .qLLbC which contains "5" and then "display: none;" 我正在尝试定位任何包含“ 5”然后“ display:none;”的.qLLbC。 on the div at the top of the section with class .QmbDT. 在该部分顶部的div中,类为.QmbDT。

When I go to the console and enter document.querySelectorAll('.qLLbC') I get 159 in my nodelist. 当我进入控制台并输入document.querySelectorAll('.qLLbC') ,我的节点列表document.querySelectorAll('.qLLbC') 159。 I need to get the ancestor div as indicated previously and hide anything where the qLLbC contains innerHTML of "5" 我需要如前所述获取祖先div,并隐藏qLLbC包含innerHTML为“ 5”的任何内容

Can you run the following? 您可以运行以下内容吗? As long as the QmbDT class is static, this should do what you're asking. 只要QmbDT类是静态的,它就可以满足您的要求。

let parents = document.querySelectorAll('.QmbDT');

parents.forEach(i => {
   let val = parseInt(i.querySelector("div div span div div").innerText);
   if(val === 5) {
     i.style.display = 'none';

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