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[英]How can I shoot a moving bullet?

Hi I'm new here and also in the programming world, so, I have a little problem: I'm making a simple game engine in JS because I want to replicate the original Space Invaders game, the problem is just the bullet is not moving, only appears and disappears, like a laser shot. 嗨,我是这里的新手,也是编程界的新手,所以我有一个小问题:我要用JS制作一个简单的游戏引擎,因为我想复制原始的《太空入侵者》游戏,问题只是子弹不是移动,只会出现和消失,就像激光一样。 I want to have a moving bullet. 我想拥有一颗动人的子弹。 Anyone can help me? 有人可以帮助我吗? PS I don't wanna use object oriented programming here, I want to make the whole game in a single .js file. PS:我不想在这里使用面向对象的编程,我想将整个游戏制作在一个.js文件中。



let screen = document.createElement('canvas');
screen.width = 800;
screen.height = 900;
document.addEventListener('keydown', keyDown, false);
document.addEventListener('keyup', keyUp, false);
let ctx = screen.getContext('2d');


let x = screen.width / 2;
let y = screen.height / 2;
let bulletY = screen.height - 20;
let bulletSpeed = 10;
let bulletLifeTime = 3;
let size = 20;
let sWidth = screen.width;
let sHeight = screen.height;
let columns = screen.width / size;
let rows = screen.height / size;
let speed = 5;
let right = false;
let left = false;
let up = false;
let down = false;
let shot = false;
let gravity = 10;
let jumpForce = 40 ;


function keyDown() {
    switch(event.keyCode) {
        case 39: right = true;
        case 37: left = true;
        //case 40: up = true;
        //case 38: down = true;
        case 32: shot = true;  

function keyUp() {
    switch(event.keyCode) {
        case 39: right = false;
        case 37: left = false;
        //case 40: up = false;
        //case 38: down = false;
        case 32: shot = false; 

function move() {
    if(right == true) {
        x += 1 * speed;
    } else if(left == true) {
        x -= 1 * speed;
    //if(up == true) {
        //y += 1 * speed;
    //} else if(down == true) {
        //y -= 1 * speed;

 function player() {
    ctx.fillStyle = '#1CE80D';
    ctx.fillRect(x, y, size, size);
    ctx.fillRect(x+10, y, size, size);
    ctx.fillRect(x+20, y, size, size);
    ctx.fillRect(x-10, y, size, size);
    ctx.fillRect(x-20, y, size, size);
    ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-1, 10, 10);
    ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-2, 10, 10);
    ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-3, 10, 10);
    ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-4, 10, 10);
    ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-5, 10, 10);
    ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-6, 10, 10);
    ctx.fillRect(x+5, y-7, 10, 10);
    ctx.fillRect(x+9, y-8, 2, 2);
    ctx.fillRect(x+9, y-9, 2, 2);
    ctx.fillRect(x+9, y-10, 2, 2);
    ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
    ctx.fillRect(x+35, y, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(x-20, y, 5, 5);

function enemy1() {
    ctx.fillStyle = '#1CE80D';
    ctx.fillRect(444, 375, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(411, 375, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(416, 380, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(439, 380, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(410, 385, 40, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(405, 390, 50, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(400, 395, 60, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(400, 400, 60, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(400, 405, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(455, 405, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(410, 405, 40, 5);
    ctx.fillStyle = '#001119';
    ctx.fillRect(415, 405, 30, 5);
    ctx.fillStyle = '#1CE80D';
    ctx.fillRect(415, 410, 30, 5);
    ctx.fillStyle = '#001119';
    ctx.fillRect(440, 390, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(414, 390, 5, 5);
    ctx.fillRect(428, 410, 4, 5);  

function draw() {
    ctx.fillStyle = '#001119';
    let background = ctx.fillRect(0, 0, sWidth, sHeight);

    ctx.fillStyle = '#EAEEB7';
    let wall1 = ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 10, sHeight);
    let wall2 = ctx.fillRect(0, 0, sHeight, 10);
    let wall3 = ctx.fillRect(0, sHeight - 10, sWidth, 10);
    let wall4 = ctx.fillRect(sWidth - 10, 0, 10, sHeight);

function gravityForce() {
    y += gravity;

function jumpAct() {
    if(jump == true) {
        y -= jumpForce;
    } else if(jump == false) {

function bulletDraw() {
    let bulletX = x;
    ctx.fillStyle = '#1CE80D';
    ctx.fillRect(bulletX + 9, bulletY, 1, 8);

function bulletPos() {
    bulletY -= bulletSpeed;    

function attack() {
    if(shot == true) {
        for(let i = screen.height; i > 0; i--) {
    } else if(shot == false) {
        bulletY = 880;

function gameLoop() {
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, screen.width, screen.height);
    if(x > screen.width - size - 30) {
        x = 30
    } else if(x < 30) {
        x = screen.width - 50;
    if(y > screen.height - size - 10) {
        y -= (size - 10);
    } else if(y < 0) {
        y += size;


I think you have to manage both timer interval and canvas redraw function. 我认为您必须同时管理计时器间隔和画布重绘功能。 I don't thing it is a good idea to redraw the entire canvas in each interval, instead you can redraw only the required canvas area. 我没关系在每个间隔重新绘制整个画布是个好主意,相反,您只能重新绘制所需的画布区域。 I have modified your code with setTimeout() function without redraw the entire canvas. 我已经使用setTimeout()函数修改了您的代码,而没有重绘整个画布。 You can see the complete code in this fiddler path https://jsfiddle.net/SyamKumarD/knyt7shf/18/ 您可以在此提琴手路径中看到完整的代码https://jsfiddle.net/SyamKumarD/knyt7shf/18/

Some of the key code you need to check 您需要检查的一些关键代码

1. setTimeout() method
2. hitTarget() method and its instantiation
3. Key down and up events

Hope this will helps 希望这会有所帮助

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