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如何以vw / vh单位给定的点创建SVG响应多边形?

[英]How to create SVG responsive polygon with points given in vw/vh units?

Let's say I have a triangle like in the example below. 假设我有一个三角形,如下例所示。 But the points are in pixels. 但是点以像素为单位。 I'm trying to use this triangle as a background element. 我正在尝试将此三角形用作背景元素。 Is it possible to pass those points in vw/vh units? 是否可以以vw / vh单位传递这些点?

 <svg > <polygon className='svg1' points="50,0 100,100 100,0" /> </svg> 

If you want a triangle background simply consider gradient like below: 如果您想使用三角形背景,只需考虑如下渐变:

 body { margin:0; height:100vh; background:linear-gradient(to top right,transparent 49.5%,#000 50%); } 

Or with SVG like that: 或像这样的SVG:

 body { background:url('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="none" ><polygon points="0,0 100,100 100,0" /></svg>') 0 0/100% 100%; margin:0; height:100vh; } 

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