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[英]How can I capture whether an error occurred in Rust's swap_with_slice() vec method?

The documentation tells me that the swap_with_slice() method can potentially panic if the slices are of two different lengths. 文档告诉我,如果切片具有两个不同的长度,那么swap_with_slice()方法可能会出现紧急情况。 I am writing a parser which deals with data coming across TCP. 我正在编写一个解析器,该解析器处理通过TCP传输的数据。 My encoding scheme is such that the following should never panic, unless it is a malformed request. 我的编码方案是这样的,下面不应该恐慌,除非它是一个畸形的请求。 In this case, I don't want my programme to crash, but instead handle the error. 在这种情况下,我不希望我的程序崩溃,而是处理错误。 How do I capture whether swap_with_slice panics or not? 如何捕获swap_with_slice是否swap_with_slice紧急情况? Since it itself does not return a Result? 既然它本身不返回结果?

let mut bytes_id = [0; 16];
bytes_id.swap_with_slice(&mut self.raw_bytes[Headers::MessageLength as usize..Headers::Data as usize]);


let result = std::panic::catch_unwind(|| <expected_to_panic_operation_here>);

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