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使用@QueryHint和Spring数据存储库获取JPA SQL执行计划

[英]Fetch jpa sql execution plan with @QueryHint and spring data repository

I am using spring-data for DB interaction. 我正在使用spring-data进行数据库交互。 I want to see the jpa sql execution plan for a query written in repository. 我想查看在存储库中编写的查询的jpa sql执行计划。 How can i do it. 我该怎么做。

https://vladmihalcea.com/execution-plan-oracle-hibernate-query-hints/ tells about using GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS and COMMENT query hints. https://vladmihalcea.com/execution-plan-oracle-hibernate-query-hints/讲述了如何使用GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS和COMMENT查询提示。 I added COMMENT hint but don't know how to add other one. 我添加了COMMENT提示,但不知道如何添加其他提示。

public interface StudentRepository extends JpaRepository<Student, Long>{
   List<Student>findByStudentIDIn(List<Long> ids);

The @QueryHints annotation accepts an array constructor like list of @QueryHint items. @QueryHints批注接受一个数组构造函数,如@QueryHint项目列表。

So you can add multiple QueryHints by addings them to a comma separated list. 因此,您可以通过将多个QueryHints添加到以逗号分隔的列表中来添加它们。 For example: 例如:

            @QueryHint(name=org.hibernate.annotations.QueryHints.COMMENT, value="SQL_PLAN_STUDENT"),
            @QueryHint(name="GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS" , value="GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS")

Unfortunately I don't have access to a running instance of a oracle dbms, so I can't check the result of the given hint. 不幸的是,我无权访问正在运行的oracle dbms实例,因此无法检查给定提示的结果。

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