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[英]Specialize a type for generic function

Given this definition:鉴于此定义:

declare function foo<T>(): { bar: T }

// <T>() => { bar: T }
type Foo = typeof foo;

How can one provide specialization to the generic function by its type?如何通过类型为泛型函数提供特化?

What I want to achieve is to be able to do something like this:我想要实现的是能够做这样的事情:

// { bar: number }
type FooResult = ReturnType<Foo<number>>;

But TypeScript complaints that Foo itself is not generic - the function it types is.但是 TypeScript 抱怨Foo本身不是通用的——它键入的函数是通用的。

TypeScript doesn't really support the kind of higher-order typing you'd need to get this from ReturnType ... it's a known design limitation . TypeScript 并不真正支持从ReturnType获取它所需的那种高阶类型......这是一个已知的设计限制 So all you have available is a variety of workarounds.因此,您所拥有的只是各种解决方法。 Here are the ones I can think of off the top of my head:以下是我能想到的那些:

  • Do it manually.手动执行。 This is essentially a non-answer, but could be the best way forward since it doesn't rely on any weird type system tricks:这本质上是一个非答案,但可能是最好的前进方式,因为它不依赖于任何奇怪的类型系统技巧:

     type FooResult<T> = { bar: T }; type FooResultNumber = FooResult<number>; // {bar: number}
  • Pretend to actually call foo() and get its result.假装实际调用foo()并得到它的结果。 TypeScript doesn't support arbitrary type queries , so type FooResult = typeof foo<number>() unfortunately does not compile. TypeScript 不支持任意类型查询,因此type FooResult = typeof foo<number>()不幸的是不能编译。 The following code is about as close as you can get:以下代码尽可能接近:

     const __dummy = (true as false) || foo<number>(); type FooResultNumber = typeof __dummy; // {bar: number}

    This introduces a dummy variable in your runtime code.这会在您的运行时代码中引入一个虚拟变量。 The (true as false) || expression (true as false) || expression (true as false) || expression construct uses a type assertion to lie to the compiler. (true as false) || expression构造使用类型断言来欺骗编译器。 The compiler thinks you are doing false || expression编译器认为你在​​做false || expression false || expression , the type of which will be the same as the type of expression . false || expression ,其类型将与expression的类型相同。 What you are really doing at runtime is true || expression你在运行时真正在做的事情是true || expression true || expression which short-circuits, returning true without ever evaluating expression .短路的true || expression ,返回true而不评估expression This means that foo() never gets called at runtime despite being in the code.这意味着foo()尽管在代码中,但永远不会在运行时被调用。

  • Another way to pretend to call foo() is with a dummy class... you will never instantiate the class but it lets the compiler reason about types:另一种假装调用foo()是使用一个虚拟类......你永远不会实例化这个类,但它让编译器推断类型:

     class __FooRunner<T> { result = foo<T>(); } type FooResult<T> = __FooRunner<T>["result"]; type FooResultNumber = FooResult<number>; // {bar: number}

    Again, this puts some junk in your runtime code, which may or may not be acceptable depending on your use cases.同样,这会在您的运行时代码中放置一些垃圾,根据您的用例,这可能会或可能不会被接受。

Okay, hope that helps;好的,希望有帮助; good luck!祝你好运!

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