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[英]ignore space in column value while loading data using sql loader by oracle

I am trying to load data using oracle sql loader and using space as separator of columns but I am facing problem that one of the columns value including space, I need your support to avoid considering this space as column separator.我正在尝试使用 oracle sql loader 加载数据并使用空格作为列的分隔符,但我面临的问题是其中一个列值包括空格,我需要您的支持以避免将此空格视为列分隔符。

I tried to use regexp_replace and replace functions我尝试使用 regexp_replace 并替换函数


the column value is: dstcountry="United States"列值为: dstcountry="United States"

and the expecting value to be stored in the table is: United States并且要存储在表中的期望值为: United States

The sql loader command is: load data infile 'in' append into table test_table fields terminated by " " optionally enclosed by '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS DSTCOUNTRY " REPLACE(:DSTCOUNTRY,'dstcountry=','')", sql 加载器命令是:将数据 infile 'in' append into table test_table 字段以“”结尾,可选地用 '"' TRAILING NULLCOLS DSTCOUNTRY " REPLACE(:DSTCOUNTRY,'dstcountry=','')",

I am using oracle 10G and 12C.我正在使用 oracle 10G 和 12C。

According to what you posted so far, it is optionally enclosed you're looking for.根据您到目前为止发布的内容,它可以optionally enclosed您正在寻找的内容。 Here's an example.这是一个例子。

Test table:测试表:

SQL> create table test (id number, dstcountry varchar2(20));

Table created.

Control file (contains sample data as well):控制文件(也包含样本数据):

load data 
infile *
into table test
fields terminated by " " 
optionally enclosed by '"'
trailing nullcols

123 "Croatia"
125 "United States"

Loading session and result:加载会话和结果:

SQL> $sqlldr scott/tiger control=test08.ctl log=test08.log

SQL*Loader: Release - Production on Pon Srp 22 17:59:23 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Commit point reached - logical record count 1
Commit point reached - logical record count 2

SQL> select * from test;

---------- --------------------
       123 Croatia
       125 United States


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