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[英]How do I redirect to another page in my custom app for Microsoft Teams?

I have a simple webapp that I am showing as an app in Teams. 我有一个简单的webapp,我在团队中显示为应用程序。 I have set it up in App Studio and everything works as I expect and it's all great. 我已经在App Studio中进行了设置,一切都按照我的预期运行,而且一切都很棒。 It is showing my web app and that is what I want. 它显示我的网络应用程序,这就是我想要的。

For some cases, I need to redirect to a different web app on a different domain. 在某些情况下,我需要重定向到其他域上的其他Web应用程序。 When testing from Microsoft Teams in my browser, it works fine. 在我的浏览器中从Microsoft Teams进行测试时,它可以正常工作。 But when I test from Microsoft Teams in the desktop app, then the screen just turns grey when the redirect was supposed to happen. 但是,当我在桌面应用程序中从Microsoft Teams进行测试时,当重定向发生时,屏幕才会变为灰色。

I already added the domains to this dialog in Manifest Editor. 我已经在Manifest Editor中将域添加到此对话框中。


Because the screen just goes grey with no explanation, I am having a hard time troubleshooting this issue. 因为屏幕只是灰色而没有解释,我很难解决这个问题。

@NielsBrinch Could you please take a look at Redirect across domains in a Microsoft Teams tab ? @NielsBrinch您能否看一下Microsoft Teams选项卡中跨域的重定向 Also please make sure that the tab you want to redirect to, is iframable and that it meets all the Requirements for tab . 另外,请确保您要重定向到的选项卡是可选的,并且它符合所有要求选项卡


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