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[英]How can I select all non-unique field1s where field2 is never x?

Given the dataset below: 给定以下数据集:

field1 field2
a      1
a      2
a      3
b      1
b      2
b      4
c      2
c      2
c      3

How can I determine which values for field1 are never associated anywhere in the table with a field2 value of 4? 如何确定field1哪些值从未与field2值为4的表相关联?

The result would be 结果将是


SELECT field1 FROM table WHERE field2 <> 4 will include b because it appears in the table multiple times with other field2 values - how do I prevent this? SELECT field1 FROM table WHERE field2 <> 4将包含b,因为它与其他field2值一起多次出现在表中-如何防止这种情况发生?

You can group by field1 and put the condition in the having clause: 您可以group by field1然后将条件放在group by field1子句中:

select field1
from tablename
group by field1
having sum(field2 = 4) = 0

use not exists 使用不存在

select t1.* from table t1
where not exists( select 1 from table t2 where t1.field1=t2.field1 
                 and t2.field2=4)

or use not in 或不用于

select * from table t1
where t1.field1 not in ( select field1 from table where field2=4)

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