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[英]Add cell value after set datasource of datagridview

After DataGridview have DataSource from a database, I try to add column Tax and Discount in 2 way: design and code. DataGridview从数据库获得DataSource之后,我尝试以两种方式添加TaxDiscount列:设计和代码。 But when I run this code: 但是当我运行这段代码时:

public void LoadGridView()
    GrdReceiptDetail.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
    GrdReceiptDetail.DataSource = SentoDB.usp_viewReceiptDetail(ReceiptId);
    foreach (DataGridViewColumn column in GrdReceiptDetail.Columns)
        if (column.Name != "Check" && column.Name != "Tax" && column.Name != "Discount")
            GrdReceiptDetail.Columns[column.Index].ReadOnly = true;
    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in GrdReceiptDetail.Rows)
        if (row.Index != 0)
            GrdReceiptDetail.Rows[row.Index].Cells["Discount"].Value = "10";
            GrdReceiptDetail.Rows[row.Index].Cells["Tax"].Value = "10";

after I load the form, value in cell of 2 column Discount and Tax is blank. 加载表单后,“ Discount和“ Tax ”两列的单元格中的值为空白。 How can I fix it? 我该如何解决? I think when I use DataSource , may be DataGridview prevent me adding a column and value. 我认为当我使用DataSource ,可能是DataGridview阻止我添加列和值。

Try this.. 尝试这个..

if (row.Index != 0)
    //replace RowObject with the name of your underlying class that constitutes each 
    RowObject obj = (RowObject)row.DataBoundItem;

    //replace DiscountProperty and TaxProperty with the names of the properties on 
    //your RowObject that correspond to these values
    obj.DiscountProperty = "10";
    obj.TaxProperty = "10";

Hopefully this will work for you. 希望这对您有用。 Here is a link to a similar question that elaborates more on why you should update the data this way when modifying a DataGridView with an underlying DataSource. 这是一个类似问题的链接,详细说明了为什么在使用基础DataSource修改DataGridView时为什么要以这种方式更新数据。 Programmatically set cell value in data grid view 在数据网格视图中以编程方式设置单元格值

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