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[英]Using only property accessors (dot notation or bracket notation), how do I set undefined nested properties directly?

In a javascript object, is it possible to set property values of undefined nested keys by only using property accessors (eg dot notation or bracket notation)? 在javascript对象中,是否可以仅通过使用属性访问器 (例如点符号或方括号符号)来设置未定义的嵌套键属性值?

Lodash's _.set function (and TJ Crowder's answer) is similar to what I want, but the structure of the code is different, ie, _.set(state, "some.future.key", "baz") . Lodash的_.set函数(和TJ Crowder的答案)与我想要的类似,但是代码的结构不同,即_.set(state, "some.future.key", "baz")

Are there any libraries that would allow me to directly set the values, ie, state.some.future.key = "baz" ? 是否有任何库可以让我直接设置值,即state.some.future.key = "baz"

Ideally I would want the state to automatically assume the shape of: 理想情况下,我希望状态自动采用以下形式:

state = {
    some: {
        future: {
            key: "baz"

You simply create anything that's missing. 您只需创建所有丢失的东西。

 const state = { foo: "bar" }; if (!state.some) { state.some = {}; } if (!state.some.future) { state.some.future = {}; } state.some.future.key = "baz"; console.log(state); 

If it gets to be a lot of inline code, you can provide yourself a function to do it. 如果需要很多内联代码,则可以为自己提供一个函数来执行此操作。 The answers to this question and this question should get you headed the right way if you want to do that. 如果您想这样做, 这个问题这个问题的答案应该可以让您正确地前进。 A simplistic version: 一个简单的版本:

 function setDeep(obj, path, value) { if (typeof path === "string") { path = path.split("."); } const final = path[path.length - 1]; path = path.slice(0, -1); for (const entry of path) { if (!obj[entry]) { obj = obj[entry] = {}; } else { obj = obj[entry]; } } return obj[final] = value; } const state = { foo: "bar" }; setDeep(state, "some.future.key", "baz"); // Or: setDeep(state, ["some", "future", "key"], "baz"); console.log(state); 

...but there are a dozen variations on that. ...但是有很多变化。

The simplest way to solve this problem is the Proxy object as shown below: 解决此问题的最简单方法是Proxy对象,如下所示:

const state = {
    foo: "bar"

var stateHandler = {

    get : function(obj,prop){
         if(obj[prop] == undefined){
            obj[prop]= new Proxy({},stateHandler);
         return obj[prop];

var proxyState = new Proxy(state,stateHandler);

proxyState.koo.loo= 9; 
proxyState.too.noo.too.y = 10899;
console.log(proxyState.koo.loo); //9 
console.log(proxyState.too.noo.too.y); // 10899
console.log(proxyState.foo); // bar 

This will allow you to set property at any nested level. 这将允许您在任何嵌套级别设置属性。

To do this state.some.future.key = "baz" use this code 要执行此state.some.future.key = "baz"使用此代码


and when you print state then you will get 当您打印状态时,您将得到

state = {
    foo: "newbar",
    some: {
        future: {
            key: "baz"

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