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[英]Getting progress returned in xApi statements

I'm looking for some information on launched xApi packages. 我正在寻找有关已发布的xApi软件包的信息。

If I launch a package from my own app and follow the course through to the end, in my LRS I can see statement detailing that I started, attempted, experienced and passed an activity, but nothing relating to the progress of the course / activity. 如果我从自己的应用程序启动一个程序包并按照课程进行到底,那么在我的LRS中,我可以看到一条语句,详细说明了我开始,尝试,经历并通过了一项活动,但与课程/活动的进度无关。

By this I mean the overall progress (as a percentage) visible to the user taking the course, so for each statement, whether it be 'experienced', 'attempted' or anything else, I'd like to return this percent complete. 我的意思是,这是用户学习本课程所能看到的总体进度(以百分比表示),因此,对于每条陈述,无论是“有经验的”,“尝试过的”还是其他任何陈述,我都想返回此百分比。

** EDIT ** **编辑**

found this info, although unsure how and where to use it: 找到了此信息,尽管不确定如何以及在何处使用它:

"If you want to track progress through the course, add these two actions at the title level: On Show - xAPI Statement - attempted - VAR(CurrentPageName) On Hide - xAPI Statement - completed - VAR(CurrentPageName)" “如果要跟踪整个课程的进度,请在标题级别添加以下两个操作:显示-xAPI语句-尝试-VAR(CurrentPageName)隐藏-xAPI语句-完成-VAR(CurrentPageName)”

What I do notice is that the statements are recorded as follows: Damion Daly attempted Activity (No Name) Which leads me to think that I've not passed the activity correctly in the querystring, and therefore cannot get all info on that activity back, would that be correct? 我要注意的是,语句的记录方式如下:Damion Daly尝试了Activity(无名称),这使我认为我没有在querystring中正确传递活动,因此无法获取有关该活动的所有信息,正确吗?

If it's of any help I'm launching my package as below. 如果有帮助,请按以下方式启动程序包。

protected async void OpenIndexWithQryString1(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    string _course = await s.GetCourseTitle(); 
    string content = "[url to where our content is]" + _course + "/index.html"; 
    string endpoint = "[LRS endpoint]"; 
    string auth = "Basic (auth key)"; 
    string actor = "{\"objectType\":\"Agent\",\"name\":[\"user name\"],\"mbox\":[\"test@mail.com\"]}"; 
    string registration = "(reg token)"; 
    string activity = "http://example.cpm/my-activity3/"; 
    string querystring = content + "?endpoint=" + endpoint + "&auth=" + auth + "&actor=" + actor + "&registration=" + registration + "&activity_id=" + activity; 
    bool b = ResponseHelper.Redirect(Uri.EscapeUriString(querystring), "_blank", "menubar=0,width=100,height=100"); 

This sounds like a content authoring tool specific issue and isn't core to xAPI. 这听起来像是内容创作工具特定的问题,并且不是xAPI的核心。 Recording progress through content can be done in any number of ways and doesn't generally depend on how that content is launched. 通过内容记录进度可以通过多种方式来完成,并且通常不依赖于如何启动内容。 Usually in xAPI a specific portion of a statement, or a statement in whole will record progress for an experience. 通常,在xAPI中,语句的特定部分或整个语句将记录体验的进度。 For instance in cmi5 progress of an AU is recorded via an extension, see https://github.com/AICC/CMI-5_Spec_Current/blob/quartz/cmi5_spec.md#result_extensions_progress for more on it. 例如,通过扩展名记录了在AU的cmi5中的进度,请参见https://github.com/AICC/CMI-5_Spec_Current/blob/quartz/cmi5_spec.md#result_extensions_progress以获得更多信息。 (Note this content is not cmi5 based, so may intend to do things differently.) (请注意,此内容不是基于cmi5的,因此可能打算以不同的方式进行操作。)

As far as the "name" of an Activity, that will generally come from the Activity Definition and is not provided as part of the launch process that you are using. 至于活动的“名称”,它通常来自活动定义,并且不作为您正在使用的启动过程的一部分提供。 The LRS would need to receive that definition either as part of a statement or would need to be integrated with the launch system that is handling the package, probably via a tincan.xml based package which can include the definition elements inside of it. LRS可能需要作为语句的一部分来接收该定义,或者需要将其与正在处理该程序包的启动系统集成在一起,这可能是通过基于tincan.xml的程序包进行的,该程序包中可以包含定义元素。 Note it may also be necessary to pass the canonical query string parameter when retrieving statements to get fully populated definitions where possible. 请注意,在可能的情况下,检索语句以获取完全填充的定义时,可能还需要传递canonical查询字符串参数。

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