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[英]Git merge not display changes

I have two branches A and B when i do git merge from B to A is does not shows any changes.当我从 B 到 A 进行 git merge 时,我有两个分支 A 和 B 没有显示任何更改。 Even there are multiple changes are there.即使有多个变化。

But when i do A to B it shows changes.但是当我做 A 到 B 时,它显示了变化。 But my requirement is to merge B to A.但我的要求是将 B 合并到 A。

You need to commit all needed changes in both branches git add .; git commit -m "message"您需要在两个分支中提交所有需要的更改git add .; git commit -m "message" git add .; git commit -m "message" . git add .; git commit -m "message" Then you do git checkout A and git merge B .然后你做git checkout Agit merge B

When you do not see changes you have nothing committed to B, even if you have a change committed to A. B is behind in this case and will not merge.当您没有看到更改时,您没有任何内容提交给 B,即使您已提交给 A 的更改。在这种情况下,B 落后并且不会合并。

When you do git checkout B; git merge A当你做git checkout B; git merge A git checkout B; git merge A and you see changes, then you have something committed to A but not to B, like said above. git checkout B; git merge A并且您会看到更改,然后您将某些内容提交给 A 但没有提交给 B,如上所述。 I tested this locally and this matches your situation.我在本地对此进行了测试,这与您的情况相符。

One error which comes to mind is when you do a git checkout A; git add .想到的一个错误是当您执行git checkout A; git add . git checkout A; git add . . . Then all your changes will be in A, when you change to B you have nothing left to commit, so all the changes are already in A.那么你所有的更改都将在 A 中,当你更改为 B 时,你没有什么可以提交的了,所以所有的更改都已经在 A 中了。

You can test this as follows:您可以按如下方式进行测试:

mkdir gittest
cd gittest    
git init                            
touch readme
git add .
git commit -m "init"
git branch A                                  
git branch B
git checkout A
touch a     
git add a     
git commit -m "a"
git merge B # does not work
git checkout B   
git merge A # does work
touch b          
git add b  
git commit -m "b"
git checkout A   
git merge B # does work now

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