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如何使用 HTTPS 通过 MDS excel 插件进行连接?

[英]How to connect by MDS excel add-in using HTTPS?

I've switched MDS access from HTTP into HTTPS.我已将 MDS 访问从 HTTP 切换到 HTTPS。

  1. Web interface works ok网页界面工作正常

  2. Excel add-in generates an error during a connection attempt Excel 加载项在连接尝试期间生成错误

The HTTP request was forbidden with client authentication scheme 'Negotiate'.客户端身份验证方案“协商”禁止 HTTP 请求。 The remote server returned an error: (403)Forbidden.远程服务器返回错误:(403)Forbidden。 (System) (系统)

What should be done to work with excel using HTTPS?应该怎么做才能使用 HTTPS 处理 excel?

The Web Application will continue to work after switching to SSL but the Excel add in will not.切换到 SSL 后,Web 应用程序将继续工作,但 Excel 插件将不会。 To resolve this you must edit the web.config of the Master Data Services web application.要解决此问题,您必须编辑 Master Data Services Web 应用程序的 web.config。 See below link for full details, I believe you would start at step 10 given context.有关完整详细信息,请参阅下面的链接,我相信您会在给定的上下文中从第 10 步开始。

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/master-data-services/install-windows/secure-a-master-data-manager-web-application?view=sql-server-ver15 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/master-data-services/install-windows/secure-a-master-data-manager-web-application?view=sql-server-ver15

In my experience the portion needed to make SSL work is already in the web.config but commented out, you just need to uncomment it out and comment out the section that is for Non SSL.根据我的经验,使 SSL 工作所需的部分已经在 web.config 中,但已注释掉,您只需要取消注释并注释掉非 SSL 部分。 Note there are two different sections.请注意,有两个不同的部分。

This is what my bindings section in the web.config looks like after configuring for SSL.这是配置 SSL 后,我在 web.config 中的 bindings 部分的样子。

        <binding name="mdsWsHttpBinding" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
          <readerQuotas maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" maxDepth="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" />
          <!--Non-SSL implementations.-->
          <!-- <security mode="Message"> -->
            <!-- <message clientCredentialType="Windows" /> -->
          <!-- </security> -->
          <!--SSL implementations-->
          <security mode="Transport">
          <message clientCredentialType="Windows" />
        <binding name="mdsBasicHttpBinding" maxBufferPoolSize="2147483647" maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647">
          <readerQuotas maxArrayLength="2147483647" maxBytesPerRead="2147483647" maxDepth="2147483647" maxNameTableCharCount="2147483647" maxStringContentLength="2147483647" />
          <!-- Non-SSL implementations.-->
          <!-- <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly"> -->
            <!-- <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" /> -->
          <!-- </security> -->
          <!-- SSL implementations -->
          <security mode="Transport">
          <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />

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