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说明中的换行符-MS Teams App Studio

[英]Line breaks in the description - MS Teams App Studio

In the MS Teams App Studio, in Manifest Editor. 在MS Teams App Studio中,在清单编辑器中。

I have a bilingual description for our app and want to separate them some way. 我为我们的应用程序提供了双语描述,并希望以某种方式将它们分开。

Example snapshot 快照示例

How can I insert a break line? 如何插入换行符? Is it even possible. 可能吗

I have tried \n , \\n , &, and br tag

Instead of putting bilingual one after other you could show one based on the client language settings. 您可以根据客户的语言设置显示一个,而不是一个又一个地双语。 Please take a look at Localization file JSON schema to support multiple languages. 请查看本地化文件JSON模式以支持多种语言。

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