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[英]How to implement a non-generic interface and call with generic

Probably a bad title, but I am trying to abstract away the type "EventHub" from my generic Handler class. 可能是一个不好的标题,但我试图从通用Handler类中抽象出类型“ EventHub”。

I would like to inject a function instead into my subscribe method to decouple the two types. 我想将一个函数注入到我的订阅方法中,以分离这两种类型。 Unfortunately, the only way I can see doing this is if I make my IHandler a generic, but this causes other problems. 不幸的是,我看到的唯一方法是将IHandler设为通用,但这会导致其他问题。

Is there a design pattern to decouple these two types? 是否存在将这两种类型分离的设计模式? Commented out are lines that I would like in some way. 我想以某种方式注释掉的行。

public interface IHandler
    //void Subscribe(Func<Action<T>, Guid> subscribe);
    void Subscribe(EventHub eventHub);
    void Unsubscribe(Action<Guid> action);

public abstract class Handler<T> : IHandler
    private Guid _subscriptionToken;

    public virtual void Subscribe(EventHub eventHub)
        var action = new Action<T>(Handle);
        _subscriptionToken = eventHub.Subscribe(action);

    /*public virtual void Subscribe(Func<Action<T>, Guid> subscribe)
        var action = new Action<T>(Handle);
        _subscriptionToken = subscribe(action);

    public virtual void Unsubscribe(Action<Guid> action)

    public abstract void Handle(T eventType);

Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助!

internal interface IHandler
    void Subscribe(Func<Action<object>, Guid> subscribe);
    void Unsubscribe(Action<Guid> action);

public abstract class Handler<T> : IHandler
    private Guid _subscriptionToken;

    public virtual void Subscribe(Func<Action<object>, Guid> subscribe)
        var action = new Action<T>(HandleNonAsync);
        _subscriptionToken = subscribe(Convert(action));

    public virtual void Unsubscribe(Action<Guid> action)

    public abstract Task HandleAsync(T eventType);

    private void HandleNonAsync(T eventType)

    private Action<object> Convert(Action<T> myActionT)
        if (myActionT == null) return null;
        else return new Action<object>(o => myActionT((T)o));

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