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[英]How to reset a wizard sapui5

I have a wizard that I finish and I want to reset after that and go back to the first step with all other steps invalidated just like it was at first. 我有一个向导完成,我想在此之后重设并返回第一步,所有其他步骤都无效,就像刚开始时一样。 I can reset the model of my data but I always end up in the last step of wizard 我可以重置数据模型,但总是会在向导的最后一步中结束

Call the following code in a function that gets called every time you enter the wizard (not onInit , this gets called only once, better would be your onRouteMatched method). 在每次进入向导时都会调用的函数中调用以下代码(不是onInit ,该onInit仅被调用一次,最好是onRouteMatched方法)。

var oWizard = this.byId("myWizard");
var oFirstStep = oWizard.getSteps()[0];
// scroll to top
// invalidate first step

I guess you are missing the following line to reset progress: 我想您缺少以下行来重置进度:


Discards all progress done from the given step(incl.) to the end of the wizard. 放弃从给定步骤(包括)到向导结束的所有进度。

See here for the API documentation of the discard function. 有关丢弃函数的API文档,请参见此处 The function needs the first wizardStep as a parameter. 该函数需要第一个WizardStep作为参数。

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