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如何在执行的任何显示中使GUI PowerShell标签具有相同的位置?

[英]How to make a label of GUI PowerShell has same location in any display executed?

I made a GUI contain some label. 我做了一个GUI包含一些标签。 Once I execute this code in other computer or notebook, the location of those label changed. 一旦在其他计算机或笔记本电脑上执行此代码,这些标签的位置就会更改。 How do I make the location can be same no matter the display that I execute the code? 无论执行代码的显示如何使位置都可以相同?

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

$Form             = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.ClientSize  = '578,400'
$Form.text        = "Form"
$Form.BackColor   = "#c1daf7"
$Form.TopMost     = $false
$Form.WindowState = 'Maximized'

$Label1           = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label1.text      = "UNDER PROCESS"
$Label1.AutoSize  = $true
$Label1.Location  = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(600, 300)
$Label1.Font      = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,30,style=Bold,Underline'
$Label1.ForeColor = "#d0021b"

$Label2           = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label2.text      = "WAITING"
$Label2.AutoSize  = $true
$Label2.Location  = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(770, 500)
$Label2.Font      = 'Microsoft Sans Serif,20,style=Bold'
$Label2.ForeColor = "#fb0505"

$Form.controls.AddRange(@($Label1, $Label2))



I updated my code with a full code. 我用完整的代码更新了代码。 I tried this but it return me error: 我试过了,但返回错误:

Exception calling "ShowDialog" with "0" argument(s): "Form that is already visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Set the form's visible property to false before calling showDialog."

 Param (   
        [string]$Path = '*.*',
        [string]$MaxAttempts = 5

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

    # set things up for the timer
    $script:nAttempts = 0
    $timer = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Timer
    $timer.Interval = 1000  # 1 second
        $global:Result = $null
        $file = Get-Item -Path $Path
        if ($file) {
            $global:Result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Exists   = $true
                FileName = $file.FullName
                Attempts = $script:nAttempts
        elseif ($script:nAttempts -ge $MaxAttempts) {
            $global:Result = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Exists   = $false
                FileName = ''
                Attempts = $script:nAttempts

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

    $Form                            = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
    $Form.ClientSize                 = '617,418'
    $Form.text                       = "Auto"
    $Form.BackColor                  = "#8b572a"
    $Form.TopMost                    = $false
    $Form.WindowState                = 'Maximized'

    $Label1                          = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label1.text                     = "UNDER AUTOMATION PROCESS"
    $Label1.AutoSize                 = $true
    $Label1.width                    = 25
    $Label1.height                   = 10
    $Label1.Anchor                   = 'top,right,bottom,left'

    $Label1.ForeColor                = "#ffffff"
    $Label1.Anchor                   = "None"
    $Label1.TextAlign                = "MiddleCenter"

    $Label2                          = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
    $Label2.text                     = "Waiting for the job..."
    $Label2.AutoSize                 = $true
    $Label2.width                    = 25
    $Label2.height                   = 10

    $Label2.ForeColor                = "#ffffff"
    $Label2.Anchor                   = "None"
    $Label2.TextAlign                = "MiddleCenter"


    Write-Host $Form.Height
    Write-Host $Form.Width

    $Label1.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.Width*0.35), ($Form.Height*0.4))
    $Label2.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($form.Width*0.43), ($Form.Height*0.5))

    $L_S = (($Form.Width/2) - ($Form.Height / 2)) / 15
    $Label1.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $L_S, style=Bold"
    $Label2.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $L_S, style=Bold"

    # start the timer as soon as the dialog is visible
    $Form.Add_Shown({ $timer.Start() })


    # clean up when done

I updated my code, I tried this, but it still return me an error. 我更新了代码,尝试了此操作,但仍然返回错误。 Anyone can help me to fix it please. 任何人都可以帮助我修复它。 Thanks 谢谢

Updated 2nd 更新第二

Param (   
    [string]$Path = '*.*',
    [string]$MaxAttempts = 5

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

# set things up for the timer
$script:nAttempts = 0
$timer = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Timer
$timer.Interval = 1000  # 1 second
    $global:Result = $null
    $file = Get-Item -Path $Path
    if ($file) {
        $global:Result = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Exists   = $true
            FileName = $file.FullName
            Attempts = $script:nAttempts
    elseif ($script:nAttempts -ge $MaxAttempts) {
        $global:Result = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Exists   = $false
            FileName = ''
            Attempts = $script:nAttempts

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

$Form                            = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
# $Form.ClientSize                 = '617,418'
$Form.text                       = "AutoGM"
$Form.BackColor                  = "#9b9b9b"
$Form.TopMost                    = $false
$Form.Width                      = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::PrimaryMonitorSize.Width
$Form.Height                     = [System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation]::PrimaryMonitorSize.Height

$FontSize                        = ($Form.Width / 100) + ($Form.Height/100) + 5
$Label1                          = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label1.text                     = "UNDER PROCESS"
$Label1.AutoSize                 = $true
# $Label1.width                    = 25
# $Label1.height                   = 10
$Label1.Anchor                   = "None"
$Label1.Location                 = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($form.Width*0.3), ($Form.Height*0.3))
$Label1.Font                     = "Microsoft Sans Serif,$FontSize,style=Bold"
$Label1.ForeColor                = "#000000"

$Label2                          = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label2.text                     = "Waiting..."
$Label2.AutoSize                 = $true
# $Label2.width                    = 25
# $Label2.height                   = 10
$Label2.Location                 = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($form.Width*0.4), ($Form.Height*0.4))
$Label2.Anchor                   = "None"
$Label2.Font                     = "Microsoft Sans Serif,$FontSize"
$Label2.ForeColor                = "#000000"

$img = [System.Drawing.Image]::Fromfile(".\img.png")
$pictureBox = new-object Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$pictureBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($form.Width*0.45), ($Form.Height*0.5))
$pictureBox.Width = $Form.Size.Width / 5
$pictureBox.Height = $Form.Size.Height / 5
$pictureBox.Image = $img

# Write-Host $Form.Height
# Write-Host $Form.Width

# $Label1.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($Form.Width*0.35), ($Form.Height*0.4))
# $Label2.location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($form.Width*0.43), ($Form.Height*0.5))

# $L_S = (($Form.Width/2) - ($Form.Height / 2)) / 15
# $Label1.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $L_S, style=Bold"
# $Label2.Font = "Microsoft Sans Serif, $L_S, style=Bold"

# $Form.controls.AddRange(@($Label1,$Label2))
# start the timer as soon as the dialog is visible
$Form.Add_Shown({ $timer.Start() })

# clean up when done

As stated by Niraj it depends on the resolution of the monitor being used so instead ask yourself where do you want it to show? 正如Niraj所说,这取决于所用显示器的分辨率,因此请问自己想在哪里显示它? in mid-mid? 在中旬? mid-left? 左中? this can be achieved using some math, see below for a simple example, it uses the $form width en height to calculate the correct position for the labels. 这可以通过一些数学运算来实现,请参见下面的简单示例,它使用$ form width和height来计算标签的正确位置。

$Label1.Location  = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($form.Width*0.5), ($Form.Height*0.5))
$Label2.Location  = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(($form.Width*0.5), ($Form.Height*0.4))

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