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[英]Find property name with filled value from typescript object

I have array of property names (removableWriteOffFields) and I need to check if these properties in JSON object have filled value. 我有一组属性名称(removableWriteOffFields),我需要检查JSON对象中的这些属性是否具有填充值。 After that I need to write list of filled properties into filledFields variable. 之后,我需要将填充属性的列表写入fillFields变量。 I try to convert object into array of values and their property names, but this object is structured so I cant convert it so easily to array which I will checking. 我尝试将对象转换为值及其属性名称的数组,但是此对象是结构化的,因此无法轻松地将其转换为要检查的数组。

I tried this solution 我尝试了这个解决方案

    let filledFields: string[] = [];
    const removFields: string[] = this.individualPartyConfiguration
    const partyArr = helper.filter(function(abc) {
                return isString(abc[1]); 
    removFields.forEach(element => {
                const index = partyArr.findIndex(e => e[0] === element);
                if (
                    partyArr[index][1] !== (undefined && null) &&
                    partyArr[index][1].length !== 0
                ) {

removableWriteOffFields contains all property name which I need to check. movingWriteOffFields包含我需要检查的所有属性名称。

        "removableWriteOffFields": [

Object example: 对象示例:

  "_id": "6224da36-9a28-4bed-a316-f910d1c1df90",
  "metadata": {
    "trackingInfo": {
      "initiator": "EntityFactory",
      "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z",
      "creator": "EntityFactory",
      "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z",
      "version": 0
    "type": "IndividualParty",
    "valid": true
  "externalPartyId": "P010",
  "locations": [
      "_id": "986b7bbe-6138-4897-8b70-22d89126fc03",
      "metadata": {
        "trackingInfo": {
          "initiator": "EntityFactory",
          "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z",
          "creator": "EntityFactory",
          "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z",
          "version": 0
        "type": "EmailAddressLocation",
        "valid": true
      "valid": true,
      "primary": true,
      "emailAddress": "jan.Kina@luth.com"
  "partyProfiles": [
      "_id": "877b183a-0610-42d8-9899-3722639d2f89",
      "metadata": {
        "trackingInfo": {
          "initiator": "EntityFactory",
          "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z",
          "creator": "EntityFactory",
          "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z",
          "version": 0
        "type": "LutherProUserPartyProfile",
        "valid": true
      "agile": false,
      "agileShare": 0,
      "parentOrganizationName": "Apo Czech, a.s.",
      "background": {
        "defaultLink": "https://s3-eu-wea.com/Luideo_1.mp4.png",
        "videoLink": "httpseo_1.mp4"
      "contractStart": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z",
      "avatarLink": "",
      "nickname": "Jan.Kina",
      "jobTitle": "Backend developer",
      "preferredLang": "en-US",
      "defaultPartyRoleId": "2e71ee52-0f24-88ee-5ec7-8b9f5c1df6a3"
  "partyRoleIds": [
  "birthDate": "2019-01-15T00:00:00.000Z",
  "firstName": "Jan",
  "formattedName": "Jan Kina",
  "formattedPhoneticName": "Jan Kina",
  "gender": "male",
  "headline": "headline",
  "lastName": "Kina",
  "middleNames": [],
  "phoneticFirstName": "Jan",
  "phoneticLastName": "Kina",
  "summary": "Summary of this user..."


function pick<T>(party: T, removFields: string[], val: string[]) {
            let key: keyof T;

            Object.keys(party).forEach(item => {
                key = item as (keyof T);
                if (removFields.includes(key as string)) {
                    val.push(key as string);
                    logger.info(`val: ${JSON.stringify(val, undefined, 2)}`);
                } else if (typeof party[key] === 'object') {
                    pick<T[keyof T]>(party[key], removFields, val);

            return val;

Here is a little simpler solution using recursion. 这是使用递归的一些简单解决方案。

const pick = (obj, arr, def={}) => {
  let val = def;
  Object.keys(obj).forEach((item, curr) => {
    if(arr.includes(item)) {
      val[item] = obj[item];
    } else if(typeof obj[item] === 'object') {
      pick(obj[item], arr, val)
  return val

 let arr = [ "flowerSelfAssessment", "phoneNumber", "gender", "birthDate", "age", "jobTitle", "jobFamily", "city", "region", "country", "parentOrganizationName" ] let obj = { "_id": "6224da36-9a28-4bed-a316-f910d1c1df90", "metadata": { "trackingInfo": { "initiator": "EntityFactory", "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "creator": "EntityFactory", "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "version": 0 }, "type": "IndividualParty", "valid": true }, "externalPartyId": "P010", "locations": [ { "_id": "986b7bbe-6138-4897-8b70-22d89126fc03", "metadata": { "trackingInfo": { "initiator": "EntityFactory", "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "creator": "EntityFactory", "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "version": 0 }, "type": "EmailAddressLocation", "valid": true }, "valid": true, "primary": true, "emailAddress": "jan.Kina@luth.com" } ], "partyProfiles": [ { "_id": "877b183a-0610-42d8-9899-3722639d2f89", "metadata": { "trackingInfo": { "initiator": "EntityFactory", "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "creator": "EntityFactory", "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "version": 0, }, "type": "LutherProUserPartyProfile", "valid": true }, "agile": false, "agileShare": 0, "parentOrganizationName": "Apo Czech, as", "background": { "defaultLink": "https://s3-eu-wea.com/Luideo_1.mp4.png", "videoLink": "httpseo_1.mp4" }, "contractStart": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "avatarLink": "", "nickname": "Jan.Kina", "jobTitle": "Backend developer", "preferredLang": "en-US", "defaultPartyRoleId": "2e71ee52-0f24-88ee-5ec7-8b9f5c1df6a3" } ], "partyRoleIds": [ "510d02d1-41a9-c139-f8aa-59c363eb0b2c" ], "birthDate": "2019-01-15T00:00:00.000Z", "firstName": "Jan", "formattedName": "Jan Kina", "formattedPhoneticName": "Jan Kina", "gender": "male", "headline": "headline", "lastName": "Kina", "middleNames": [], "phoneticFirstName": "Jan", "phoneticLastName": "Kina", "summary": "Summary of this user...", } const pick = (obj, arr, def={}) => { let val = def; Object.keys(obj).forEach((item, curr) => { if(arr.includes(item)) { val[item] = obj[item]; } else if(typeof obj[item] === 'object') { pick(obj[item], arr, val) } }); return val } console.log(pick(obj, arr)) 

Typescript version (I removed: let key: keyof IndividualParty; and changed let key = item as (keyof IndividualParty)); 打字稿版本(我删除了: let key: keyof IndividualParty;并将let key = item as (keyof IndividualParty));更改let key = item as (keyof IndividualParty)); and works fine for me, functions return array with properties 对我来说工作正常,函数返回带有属性的数组

function pick(party: IndividualParty,removFields: (keyof IndividualParty)[], def?: string[]) {
  let val: string[];
  if (def !== undefined) {
      val = def;
  } else {
      val = [];
  Object.keys(party).forEach(item => {
    let key = item as (keyof IndividualParty);
    if (removFields.includes(key)) {
     } else if (typeof party[key] === 'object') {
        pick(party[key], removFields, val);
    return val;
 pick(obj, arr)

Added one extra parentOrganizationName record to your JSON to show non-unique key option: 向您的JSON添加了一个额外的parentOrganizationName记录,以显示非唯一键选项:

 'use strict'; function test(looking4, json) { var it = new JIterator(json); var i = 0; var occurences = {}, found = {}; for (var i in looking4) { var key = looking4[i]; occurences[key] = 0; } do { var item = it.Current(); if (looking4.indexOf(item.key) > -1) { occurences[item.key]++; if (found[item.key]) { found[item.key] = [found[item.key]]; found[item.key].push(item.value); } else { found[item.key] = item.value; } } } while (it.DepthFirst()); console.log(JSON.stringify(occurences, null, 4)); console.log(JSON.stringify(found, null, 4)); } var search4 = { "removableWriteOffFields": [ "flowerSelfAssessment", "phoneNumber", "gender", "birthDate", "age", "jobTitle", "jobFamily", "city", "region", "country", "parentOrganizationName" ] }; var json = { "_id": "6224da36-9a28-4bed-a316-f910d1c1df90", "metadata": { "trackingInfo": { "initiator": "EntityFactory", "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "creator": "EntityFactory", "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "version": 0 }, "type": "IndividualParty", "valid": true }, "externalPartyId": "P010", "locations": [ { "_id": "986b7bbe-6138-4897-8b70-22d89126fc03", "metadata": { "trackingInfo": { "initiator": "EntityFactory", "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "creator": "EntityFactory", "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "version": 0 }, "type": "EmailAddressLocation", "valid": true }, "valid": true, "primary": true, "emailAddress": "jan.Kina@luth.com" } ], "partyProfiles": [ { "_id": "877b183a-0610-42d8-9899-3722639d2f89", "metadata": { "trackingInfo": { "initiator": "EntityFactory", "created": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "creator": "EntityFactory", "modified": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "version": 0 }, "type": "LutherProUserPartyProfile", "valid": true }, "agile": false, "agileShare": 0, "parentOrganizationName": "Apo Czech, as", "background": { "defaultLink": "https://s3-eu-wea.com/Luideo_1.mp4.png", "videoLink": "httpseo_1.mp4" }, "contractStart": "2019-07-16T08:13:30.044Z", "avatarLink": "", "nickname": "Jan.Kina", "jobTitle": "Backend developer", "preferredLang": "en-US", "defaultPartyRoleId": "2e71ee52-0f24-88ee-5ec7-8b9f5c1df6a3" } ], "partyRoleIds": [ "510d02d1-41a9-c139-f8aa-59c363eb0b2c" ], "birthDate": "2019-01-15T00:00:00.000Z", "firstName": "Jan", "formattedName": "Jan Kina", "formattedPhoneticName": "Jan Kina", "gender": "male", "headline": "headline", "lastName": "Kina", "middleNames": [], "phoneticFirstName": "Jan", "phoneticLastName": "Kina", "summary": "Summary of this user...", "parentOrganizationName": "Apo Czech, as 2nd" }; // https://github.com/eltomjan/ETEhomeTools/blob/master/HTM_HTA/JSON_Iterator_IIFE.js var JNode = (function (jsNode) { function JNode(_parent, _pred, _key, _value) { this.parent = _parent; this.pred = _pred; this.node = null; this.next = null; this.key = _key; this.value = _value; } return JNode; })(); var JIterator = (function (json) { var root, current, maxLevel = -1; function JIterator(json, parent) { if (parent === undefined) parent = null; var pred = null, localCurrent; for (var child in json) { var obj = json[child] instanceof Object; if (json instanceof Array) child = parseInt(child); // non-associative array if (!root) root = localCurrent = new JNode(parent, null, child, json[child]); else { localCurrent = new JNode(parent, pred, child, obj ? ((json[child] instanceof Array) ? [] : {}) : json[child]); } if (pred) pred.next = localCurrent; if (parent && parent.node == null) parent.node = localCurrent; pred = localCurrent; if (obj) { var memPred = pred; JIterator(json[child], pred); pred = memPred; } } if (this) { current = root; this.Level = 0; } } JIterator.prototype.Current = function () { return current; } JIterator.prototype.Parent = function () { var retVal = current.parent; if (retVal == null) return false; this.Level--; return current = retVal; } JIterator.prototype.Pred = function () { var retVal = current.pred; if (retVal == null) return false; return current = retVal; } JIterator.prototype.Node = function () { var retVal = current.node; if (retVal == null) return false; this.Level++; return current = retVal; } JIterator.prototype.Next = function () { var retVal = current.next; if (retVal == null) return false; return current = retVal; } JIterator.prototype.Key = function () { return current.key; } JIterator.prototype.KeyDots = function () { return (typeof (current.key) == "number") ? "" : (current.key + ':'); } JIterator.prototype.Value = function () { return current.value; } JIterator.prototype.Reset = function () { current = root; this.Level = 0; } JIterator.prototype.RawPath = function () { var steps = [], level = current; do { if (level != null && level.value instanceof Object) { steps.push(level.key + (level.value instanceof Array ? "[]" : "{}")); } else { if (level != null) steps.push(level.key); else break; } level = level.parent; } while (level != null); var retVal = ""; retVal = steps.reverse(); return retVal; } JIterator.prototype.Path = function () { var steps = [], level = current; do { if (level != null && level.value instanceof Object) { var size = 0; var items = level.node; if (typeof (level.key) == "number") steps.push('[' + level.key + ']'); else { while (items) { size++; items = items.next; } var type = (level.value instanceof Array ? "[]" : "{}"); var prev = steps[steps.length - 1]; if (prev && prev[0] == '[') { var last = prev.length - 1; if (prev[last] == ']') { last--; if (!isNaN(prev.substr(1, last))) { steps.pop(); size += '.' + prev.substr(1, last); } } } steps.push(level.key + type[0] + size + type[1]); } } else { if (level != null) { if (typeof (level.key) == "number") steps.push('[' + level.key + ']'); else steps.push(level.key); } else break; } level = level.parent; } while (level != null); var retVal = ""; retVal = steps.reverse(); return retVal; } JIterator.prototype.DepthFirst = function () { if (current == null) return 0; // exit sign if (current.node != null) { current = current.node; this.Level++; if (maxLevel < this.Level) maxLevel = this.Level; return 1; // moved down } else if (current.next != null) { current = current.next; return 2; // moved right } else { while (current != null) { if (current.next != null) { current = current.next; return 3; // returned up & moved next } this.Level--; current = current.parent; } } return 0; // exit sign } JIterator.prototype.BreadthFirst = function () { if (current == null) return 0; // exit sign if (current.next) { current = current.next; return 1; // moved right } else if (current.parent) { var level = this.Level, point = current; while (this.DepthFirst() && level != this.Level); if (current) return 2; // returned up & moved next do { this.Reset(); level++; while (this.DepthFirst() && level != this.Level); if (current) return 3; // returned up & moved next } while (maxLevel >= level); return current != null ? 3 : 0; } else if (current.node) { current = current.node; return 3; } else if (current.pred) { while (current.pred) current = current.pred; while (current && !current.node) current = current.next; if (!current) return null; else return this.DepthFirst(); } } return JIterator; })(); // Run demo test(search4.removableWriteOffFields, json); 

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