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寻找在巨大的 Pandas Dataframe 中切片一行的最快方法

[英]Looking for the fastest way to slice a row in a huge Pandas Dataframe

My program needs to fetch a row based on the value in a column from a huge Pandas Dataframe.我的程序需要根据来自巨大 Pandas 数据帧的列中的值获取一行。 The response time is critical.响应时间很关键。 I use the most common way to do it, for example:我使用最常见的方法来做到这一点,例如:

df.loc[df['id'] == 500000, :]

Per timeit on my Mac it took 4 ms to complete the above operation on a dataframe with 1 million rows.timeit我的Mac上花了4毫秒来完成对数据框上面的操作以1万行。 But my goal is to reduce the time to like 0.4 ms.但我的目标是将时间减少到 0.4 毫秒。 I once consider to convert this dataframe to a Set but Set is not ordered and does not natively support indexing or slicing.我曾经考虑将此数据帧转换为 Set 但 Set 没有排序,并且本身不支持索引或切片。 Any suggestions?有什么建议?

Lets set this up:让我们设置一下:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({"id": np.random.randint(100,size=(1000000,))})

Then let's benchmark some options.然后让我们对一些选项进行基准测试。 Your current boolean + .loc :您当前的 boolean + .loc

>>> timeit.timeit("df.loc[df['id'] == 50, :]", setup = "from __main__ import df", number=1000)

The query engine:查询引擎:

>>> timeit.timeit("df.query('id == 50')", setup = "from __main__ import df", number=1000)

Using the index as a separate lookup:使用索引作为单独的查找:

>>> idx = pd.Index(df['id'])
>>> timeit.timeit("df.loc[idx == 50, :]", setup = "from __main__ import df, idx", number=1000)

Using the dataframe index for lookup:使用数据帧索引进行查找:

>>> df.index = df["id"]
>>> timeit.timeit("df.loc[50, :]", setup = "from __main__ import df", number=1000)

And that .isin() idea that someone in the comments had:评论中有人提出的.isin()想法:

>>> timeit.timeit("df.loc[df['id'].isin([50]), :]", setup = "from __main__ import df", number=1000)

Looks like with the exception of the query engine being slow (as expected) for a simple equality, you're not going to get much better than the lookup time you've got.看起来除了查询引擎很慢(正如预期的那样)对于简单的相等性之外,您不会比您拥有的查找时间好得多。

df_unique = pd.DataFrame({'id': range(1000000)})

Lets see how a unique ID might be helpful:让我们看看唯一 ID 可能有什么帮助:

>>> timeit.timeit("df_unique.loc[df_unique['id'] == 50, :]", setup = "from __main__ import df_unique", number=1000)

Then to a dict:然后到一个字典:

>>> df_unique.index = df_unique['id']
>>> df_dict = df_unique.to_dict(orient='index')
>>> timeit.timeit("df_dict[50]", setup = "from __main__ import df_dict", number=1000)

Well, looks like this is a clear winner.好吧,看起来这是一个明显的赢家。

>>> timeit.timeit("pd.Series(df_dict[50])", setup = "from __main__ import df_dict, pd", number=1000)

Even if you have to cast it back to a series for something this is an order of magnitude faster than before.即使您必须将其重新转换为某个系列,这也比以前快了一个数量级。 (You also could map a series back into the dict very easily if needed and keep the speed of a dict lookup with no overhead) (如果需要,您也可以很容易地将一个系列映射回 dict 并保持 dict 查找的速度而没有开销)

检查df.query('id == 500000') 的工作速度

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