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[英]Clicking on an element causes the info window to pop up

I have a website where i have a map on the left side and on the right side I have information boxes that correspond to each location on the map. 我有一个网站,我在左侧有地图,在右侧有对应于地图上每个位置的信息框。 How can i have it where if i click on the div that corresponds to the marker the info window for that marker appears? 如果我单击与该标记对应的div,该如何显示该标记的信息窗口?


// the php i use to generate the info boxes i want to click on so the infoWindow pops up for the marker

echo "<div class='highlight' id='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "'> <h3 class='barTitle bar'>" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "</h3> <h6 class='subTitle'>" .
 $row["hourStart"] .
 "-" .
 $row["hourEnd"] .
 "  |  " .
 $row["area"] .
 "</h6> <table align='center'> <tr> <th class='dowb'> <button bar_name='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "' class='weekly'> HH </button></th> <th class='dowb'> <button bar_name='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "' class='monday'> MON </button></th> <th class='dowb'> <button bar_name='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "' class='tuesday'> TUE </button></th>  <th class='dowb'> <button  bar_name='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "' class='wednesday'> WED </button></th> <th class='dowb'> <button bar_name='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "' class='thursday'> THU </button></th> <th class='dowb'> <button bar_name='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "' class='friday'> FRI </button></th> <th class='dowb'> <button bar_name='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "' class='saturday'> SAT </button></th> <th class='dowb'> <button bar_name='" .
 $row["bar_name"] .
 "' class='sunday'> SUN </button></th> <br> </tr> </table> <br> <table align='center' class='dowd'> <tr> <th class='barInfoTitle'>  Happy Hour Drinks:</th>  <th class='barInfoTitle'>  Happy Hour Food: </th></tr>  <tr> <th class='barInfo' class='dowDrink'>" .
 $row["weeklyDealDrinks"] .
 "</th>  <th class='barInfo' class='dowFood'> " .
 $row["weeklyDealFood"] .
 " </th> </tr> </table> <div align='center'> <a href='" .
 $row["profile_page"] .
 "'> More Info </a></div> <hr> </div> \n";

Javascript: Javascript:

// Creates info window on click/ highlights box (this code is by my other code for adding the google map
var highlight = [];
var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow(), marker, i;
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", (function (marker, i) {
    return function () {
        infoWindow.open(map, marker);
        for (var j = 0; j < locations.length; j++) {
            var check = document.getElementById(locations[j][0]);
            if (highlight[0] != locations[j][0]) {
                if (check.classList.contains("active")) {

//the js I hvae to try and get the window to pop up (this code is after the previous code)
$(document).ready(function () {
    $(".highlight").on('click', function (event) {
        infowindow.open(map, Marker);

If you want to show each marker's location info in an info window you'll need to select the appropriate unique marker for each corresponding location. 如果要在信息窗口中显示每个标记的位置信息,则需要为每个对应的位置选择适当的唯一标记。 This can be done in multiple ways, eg by creating a markers array and then adding the info window click event to each marker in the array. 这可以通过多种方式完成,例如,通过创建标记数组,然后将信息窗口单击事件添加到数组中的每个标记。

Take a look at the following code example for guidance: 查看以下代码示例以获取指导:

let marker;
let infowindow;

// Declare array of markers
let markers = [];

// Iterate over all your locations
for (let i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) {

  // Create marker
  marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: new google.maps.LatLng(locations[i][0], locations[i][1]),
    map: map

  // Add marker to markers array
  markers[i] = marker;

  google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {

    if (infowindow) {

    // Create new info window
    infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();

    // Set info window content for this unique marker/location

    // Open info window for this unique marker
    infowindow.open(map, markers[i]);


Hope this helps! 希望这可以帮助!

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