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[英]error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.50

I try to submit a R script to SLURM in CentOS 7, like this:我尝试在 CentOS 7 中向 SLURM 提交一个 R 脚本,如下所示:

#SBATCH -J test                   
#SBATCH -o test.out               
#SBATCH -p compute                
#SBATCH --qos=normal              
#SBATCH -N 1                      
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=8       
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1         
#SBATCH --job-name=rtest

Rscript --vanilla Rhelp.R

Then system will return a jobid, but the R script does not work.然后系统会返回一个jobid,但是R脚本不起作用。 I can assure this script can run in command line.我可以保证这个脚本可以在命令行中运行。 Then I have found in test.out, like this:然后我在test.out中找到了,像这样:

error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.50: 
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I am a freshman in SLURM and Linux, thx!我是 SLURM 和 Linux 的新生,谢谢!

看来libicu RPM软件包未安装在计算节点上。

Just because it may be installed on the head node doesn't mean it's installed on the compute node(s). 仅仅因为它可能安装在根节点上并不意味着它已安装在计算节点上。 You could fire off the same ldconfig command in a Slurm job and view the results to confirm that's the case. 您可以在Slurm作业中触发相同的ldconfig命令,然后查看结果以确认是这种情况。

With the module avail command from the head node you list all available modules and loaded modules are marked somehow depending on your OS;使用来自头节点的module avail命令,您可以列出所有可用模块,并根据您的操作系统以某种方式标记加载的模块; for me they are marked with (L).对我来说,它们标有 (L)。 All you need to do is load those loaded modules from your file script each of which is invoked with the line module load path_to_module .您需要做的就是从您的文件脚本加载那些已加载的模块,每个模块都使用行module load path_to_module调用。 Whereas, path_to_module is as is indicated with the previous command module avail .path_to_module与前面的命令module avail il 所指示的一样。 Or without resorting to module avail you could use module list for currently loaded modules.或者不求助于module avail你可以使用module list来获取当前加载的模块。

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