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从jenkins pippeline读取Yaml后无法访问yaml对象

[英]Unable to access yaml objects after reading yaml from jenkins pippeline

I am trying to get objects like map and array list from yaml via readYaml Step in to variable 'configObj' and pass 'configObj' to groovy script in vars/ folder for extracting . 我试图通过readYaml从yaml中获取诸如map和array list之类的对象进入变量'configObj'并将'configObj'传递给vars /文件夹中的groovy脚本以进行提取。 Map and array from 'configObj'. 从“ configObj”映射和排列。 This is in jenkins DSL Pipeline with Shared Library 这在带有共享库的詹金斯DSL管道中

I tried readYaml and pass the yaml object to groovy script. 我尝试了readYaml并将yaml对象传递给groovy脚本。 Object received in groovy script was found to be NULL. 发现在groovy脚本中接收到的对象为NULL。

//------Jenkinsfile--------- // ------ Jenkinsfile ---------


configObj = ""


    configObj = readYaml file : 'config/TestbedSpecificConfig.yaml'


    flowManager operation : "INI_ZN", config : configObj

//---------------Yaml----------------- // --------------- Yaml -----------------

    - stop_tomcat
    - featurestress_backup
    - update_release_type
    - update_branch_name
    - update_testcase
- snapshotInfo:
    -  snapshot_name: vSphere65U2
    -  infra_ip:
    -  esxi_base_name: vEsxi-173-
    -  esxi_start_index: 101
    -  esxi_end_index: 200
    - revert_appliances :
        - Embedded_60_65_Upgrade: vc65
    - delete_target_vc  :
        -  Embedded_65_67_Upgrade
        -  Embedded_67_68_Upgrade
        -  Embedded_65_68_Upgrade
        -  Embedded_60_68_Upgrade
        -  extpsc.st.local

//-----------flowManager------------ // ------------ flowManager ------------

def call(Map propertes){

    FolderUtils    futils  =  new FolderUtils(this)
    CliUtils       cutils  =  new CliUtils(this)
    RestUtils      rutils  =  new RestUtils(this)
    TestBedUtils   tutils  =  new TestBedUtils(this)
    WebAppUtils    wutils  =  new WebAppUtils(this)
    TemplateHelper thelpar =  new TemplateHelper(this) 

    switch("${propertes.operation}") {
        case "INI_ZN":
            log.info("OPERATION : ${propertes.operation}" )
            log.info("CONFIG :  ${properties.config}") <=== This prints NULL

Expected 预期
to get configObj in groovy script Expected to access values of setup_setps as : configObject.setup_steps.each{ echo("${it}")} 在groovy脚本中获取configObj预期以以下方式访问setup_setps的值:configObject.setup_steps.each {echo(“ $ {it}”)}

Similarly map objests represented by snapShotInfo in yaml. 类似地,映射由yaml中的snapShotInfo表示的对象。

Actual : 实际:

org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: No such field found: field java.lang.String setup_steps
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.unclassifiedField(SandboxInterceptor.java:425)
    at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onGetProperty(SandboxInterceptor.java:409)
    at org.kohsuke.groovy.sandbox.impl.Checker$6.call(Checker.java:289)

Found that call implementation excepts one parameter of type LinkedHashList. 发现该调用实现除了一个类型为LinkedHashList的参数外。 To overcome this requirement. 为了克服这一要求。

  • I used "${STAGE_NAME}" to get stage Information 我使用“ $ {STAGE_NAME}”来获取舞台信息

jenkinsfile 詹金斯档案


configObj = ""


    configObj = readYaml file : 'config/TestbedSpecificConfig.yaml'

    flowManager  config : configObj

vars/flowManager,groovy vars / flowManager,groovy

def call(def config){

       case "Pipeline Initialization":

This logic works fine for me. 这种逻辑对我来说很好。

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