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Mapbox GL 设置符号层的不透明度

[英]Mapbox GL set opacity of symbol layer

I have a symbol layer displaying text on a mapbox map and I am looking for a way to change the opacity of the text.我有一个符号图层在地图框地图上显示文本,我正在寻找一种更改文本不透明度的方法。

        "id": "symbols",
        "type": "symbol",
        "source": "source_circleCurrentGpsCircle",
        "layout": {
          "text-font": ["Open Sans Regular"],
          "text-field": '{title}',
          "text-size": {
            stops: [
              [0, 0],
              [22, metersToPixelsAtMaxZoom * 2]
            base: 2
        "paint": {
          "text-color": "#00FF00"

I tried a few things like the following我尝试了一些类似以下的事情

this.map.setPaintProperty('symbols', 'symbol-opacity', .6);

I think I just need the correct property name.我想我只需要正确的属性名称。 Is it possible to set a class for the symbol?是否可以为符号设置类? I could adjust the opacity easily that way.我可以通过这种方式轻松调整不透明度。

I figured it out.我想到了。 It turns out to be the text-opacity property, not symbol-opacity.结果是文本不透明度属性,而不是符号不透明度。 Seems obvious now.现在似乎很明显。

To change the opacity on a label from a symbol type layer use the text-opacity property.要从符号类型图层更改标签上的不透明度,请使用text-opacity属性。 Here's the documentation. 这是文档。


this.map.setPaintProperty('layer_name', 'text-opacity', .6);

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