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javascript async / await和promise

[英]javascript async/await and promise

I'm having a hard time understanding how async/await works.I have to make a program which contains three functions: func1 func2 and concatenated . 我很难理解async / await是如何工作的。我必须创建一个包含三个函数的程序: func1 func2concatenated func1 takes a string as an argument and returns the same string after 5 seconds of delay, func2 is an async function which also takes a string as an argument and returns the same string. func1将一个字符串作为参数,并在延迟5秒后返回相同的字符串, func2是一个async函数,它也将一个字符串作为参数并返回相同的字符串。 concatenated is a function that takes two strings (s1,s2) as arguments and uses the above two functions( (func1(s1) and func2(s2)) ) to return their concatenated result after 5 seconds. concatenated是一个函数,它接受两个字符串(s1,s2)作为参数,并使用上述两个函数( (func1(s1) and func2(s2)) )在5秒后返回它们的连接结果。 So if we pass ("hello"," world") to concatenated it should return hello world . 因此,如果我们传递("hello"," world") concatenated它应该返回hello world My code is: 我的代码是:

function func1(x) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
    }, 5000);

async function func2(x) {
const a = await func1(x);
return a;

function concatenated(a,b){
  const c = func2(a).then(result =>{console.log(result)});
  const d = func2(b).then(result =>{console.log(result)});
  return (c+d) ;

concatenated("hello"," world")

This code only gives me: 这段代码只给了我:
hello world

How can I correct this? 我怎么能纠正这个?

The problem is that your return statement from the concatenated function will be run synchronously . 问题是来自concatenated函数的return语句将同步运行。 This also means that c and d will still be promises. 这也意味着cd仍将是承诺。

A possible solution would be: 一个可能的解决方案是:

async function concatenated(a,b){
  const c = await func2(a);
  const d = await func2(b);

  return (c+d);

concatenated("hello", " world").then(result => {
    console.log(result); // hello world

Notice that an async function will always return a promise. 请注意, 异步函数将始终返回promise。

You can get the result after 5 seconds like this: 你可以在5秒后得到这样的结果:

 function func1(x) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(x); }, 5000); }); } async function func2(x) { const a = await func1(x); return a; } async function concatenated(a,b){ const [c,d] = await Promise.all([func2(a), func2(b)]) return c+d; } (async function main() { const ret = await concatenated("hello"," world") console.log(ret) })() 

Using JavaScript async/await syntax, you can write the asynchronous code like the synchronous style. 使用JavaScript async/await语法,您可以像同步样式一样编写异步代码。 No need promise.then , no need callback. 不需要promise.then ,不需要回电。 It's a little different from other languages, eg Go, Java 它与其他语言略有不同,例如Go,Java

You seem to be misunderstanding console logs. 你似乎误解了控制台日志。 A regular console.log will always put a newline, which is why you are seeing hello world on two lines rather than one. 常规的console.log将始终使用换行符,这就是为什么您在两行而不是一行上看到hello world的原因。 Assuming you are using Node.js, you can use the following to write to the console without a newline to achieve your desired outcome: 假设您正在使用Node.js,您可以使用以下内容写入控制台而不使用换行符来实现您期望的结果:


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