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[英]How to configure self-contained single-file program?

I am experimenting with .Net Core 3 trimmed single-file publishing creating a simple console application and using this to publish: 我正在尝试使用.Net Core 3修剪的单文件发布来创建一个简单的控制台应用程序,并使用它来发布:

dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c Release /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:PublishTrimmed=true

Configuration is done with the standard appsettings.json and ConfigurationBuilder from Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json . 使用Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Json的标准appsettings.jsonConfigurationBuilder完成ConfigurationBuilder

The problem is the config file is packaged with the whole app and so is unavailable - it can be accessed in the temp dir created when running the program but that is not very useful for a regular user. 问题是配置文件与整个应用程序打包在一起,因此不可用-可以在运行程序时在创建的temp目录中访问它,但这对普通用户而言不是很有用。

I found out that you can exclude files from the packaging process by editing the csproj file or with a custom publishing profile 我发现您可以通过编辑csproj文件或使用自定义发布配置文件将文件从打包过程中排除

    <None Update="appsettings.json">

This does output the appsettings file in the publish dir however it is not used when running the application - an empty config file is created and used instead. 这确实在发布目录中输出appsettings文件,但是在运行应用程序时不使用它-创建并使用一个空的配置文件。 Is there any way to do this "properly" since documentation is kinda lacking on the issue or should I just manually parse the file I expect to be in the starting directory (which itself was a hassle to find because Assembly.Get###Assembly were all returning the temp dir)? 有什么办法可以“适当地”执行此操作,因为在此问题上尚缺少文档,或者我应该手动解析我希望位于起始目录中的文件(由于Assembly.Get###Assembly ,查找目录本身很麻烦)都返回了临时目录)?

I've found that adding this to the ConfigurationBuilder() before the AddJsonFile() seems to do the trick: 我发现在AddJsonFile()之前将其添加到ConfigurationBuilder()似乎可以解决问题:


ie: 即:

var configurationRoot = new ConfigurationBuilder()
        .AddJsonFile("appSettings.json", optional: false)

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