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[英]How do you turn a string into a unicode family in Swift?

I'm trying to make a feature in my app that when a user types in a text field, the text converts into a unicode family. 我正在尝试在我的应用程序中创建一个功能,当用户在文本字段中键入内容时,文本将转换为unicode系列。

Like below, there is an image of a user typing. 像下面一样,有一个用户输入的图像。 And as the user types, you can see different unicode family characters that when a user types on a cell, you can copy the text and paste it somewhere else. 在用户键入内容时,您会看到不同的unicode系列字符,当用户在单元格上键入内容时,您可以复制文本并将其粘贴到其他位置。


If I would like to turn my text into the black bubble unicode family like the screenshot above, how can I do that? 如果我想像上面的屏幕截图一样将文本变成黑色气泡unicode系列,该怎么办?

You can define a character map. 您可以定义一个字符映射。 Here's one to get you started. 这是一个入门的方法。

let circledMap: [Character : Character] = ["A": "🅐", "B": "🅑", "C": "🅒", "D": "🅓"] // The rest are left as an exercise 
let circledRes = String("abacab".uppercased().map { circledMap[$0] ?? $0 })

If your map contains mappings for both upper and lowercase letters then don't call uppercased . 如果您的地图同时包含大写和小写字母的映射,则不要调用uppercased

Create whatever maps you want. 创建所需的任何地图。 Spend lots of time with the "Emoji & Symbols" viewer found on the Edit menu of every macOS program. 使用每个macOS程序的“编辑”菜单上的“表情符号和符号”查看器,花费大量时间。

let invertedMap: [Character : Character] = ["a": "ɐ", "b": "q", "c": "ɔ", "d": "p", "e": "ǝ", "f": "ɟ", "g": "ƃ", "h": "ɥ"]

In a case like the circled letters, it would be nice to define a range where you can transform "A"..."Z" to "🅐"..."🅩" . 在带圆圈的字母的情况下,最好定义一个范围,在该范围内可以将"A"..."Z""🅐"..."🅩"

That actually takes more code than I expected but the following does work: 实际上,这比我预期的要花费更多的代码,但是以下方法确实有效:

extension String {
    // A few sample ranges to get started
    // NOTE: Make sure each mapping pair has the same number of characters or bad things may happen
    static let circledLetters: [ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar> : ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar>] = ["A"..."Z" : "🅐"..."🅩", "a"..."z" : "🅐"..."🅩"]
    static let boxedLetters: [ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar> : ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar>] = ["A"..."Z" : "🅰"..."🆉", "a"..."z" : "🅰"..."🆉"]
    static let italicLetters: [ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar> : ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar>] = ["A"..."Z" : "𝐴"..."𝑍", "a"..."z" : "𝑎"..."𝑧"]

    func transformed(using mapping: [ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar> : ClosedRange<UnicodeScalar>]) -> String {
        let chars: [UnicodeScalar] = self.unicodeScalars.map { ch in
            for transform in mapping {
                // If the character is found in the range, convert it
                if let offset = transform.key.firstIndex(of: ch) {
                    // Convert the offset from key range into an Int
                    let dist = transform.key.distance(from: transform.key.startIndex, to: offset)
                    // Build new index into value range
                    let newIndex = transform.value.index(transform.value.startIndex, offsetBy: dist)
                    // Get the mapped character
                    let newch = transform.value[newIndex]
                    return newch

            // Not found in any of the mappings so return the original as-is
            return ch

        // Convert the final [UnicodeScalar] into a new String
        var res = ""
        res.unicodeScalars.append(contentsOf: chars)

        return res

print("This works".transformed(using: String.circledLetters)) // 🅣🅗🅘🅢 🅦🅞🅡🅚🅢

The above String extension also requires the following extension (thanks to this answer ): 上面的String扩展也需要以下扩展(由于此答案 ):

extension UnicodeScalar: Strideable {
    public func distance(to other: UnicodeScalar) -> Int {
        return Int(other.value) - Int(self.value)

    public func advanced(by n: Int) -> UnicodeScalar {
        let advancedValue = n + Int(self.value)
        guard let advancedScalar = UnicodeScalar(advancedValue) else {
            fatalError("\(String(advancedValue, radix: 16)) does not represent a valid unicode scalar value.")
        return advancedScalar

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