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[英]Using git branch in environment variable in Jenkinsfile

I would like to customize one of environment variable depending on branch that is being build. 我想根据正在构建的分支来自定义环境变量之一。

environment {

I'd like to get CUSTOM_ENV=xyz_dev for origin/dev and CUSTOM_ENV=xyz_master for origin/master . 我想获得CUSTOM_ENV=xyz_devorigin/devCUSTOM_ENV=xyz_masterorigin/master Not sure if its important, but its multibranch project in Jenkins. 不确定它是否重要,但是不确定它在詹金斯的多分支项目。

I tried things like xyz_${GIT_BRANCH} or xyz_env.GIT_BRANCH , but none of this worked out. 我尝试了诸如xyz_${GIT_BRANCH}xyz_env.GIT_BRANCH ,但是都没有解决。

If your shell happens to be compatible with ksh or bash then you can use the variable-expansion modifier ## to discard everything up to and including the final / character, leaving get just the part of ${GIT_BRANCH} that comes after that / . 如果您的外壳碰巧与kshbash兼容,则可以使用变量扩展修饰符##舍弃所有字符,直到最后一个/字符为止,只保留${GIT_BRANCH}后面/ That would look like: 看起来像:


Note the double-quotes " rather than the single-quotes ' you used in your question. Single-quotes prevent the evaluation of variables inside the quoted string, and that's definitely not what you want in this case. 请注意问题中使用的双引号"而不是单引号' 。单引号阻止对带引号的字符串内的变量求值,在这种情况下,这绝对不是您想要的。

If your shell does not understand the ## modifier then you'll have to use something like sed to get just the last part of ${GIT_BRANCH} . 如果您的外壳不理解##修饰符,则必须使用sed东西来获取${GIT_BRANCH}的最后一部分。 That would look like this: 看起来像这样:

CUSTOM_ENV="xyz_$(echo ${GIT_BRANCH} | sed -e 's@.*/@@')"

When you are doing a substitution in jenkinsfile for a variable. 当您在jenkinsfile中进行变量替换时。 It should always be in "" . 它应该始终在"" From environment directive , I guess you are using pipelines. 根据环境指令,我猜您正在使用管道。 So, you can leverage the groovy syntax to achieve string manipulation. 因此,您可以利用常规语法来实现字符串操作。 Something like, 就像是,

environment {
        GIT_BRANCH = 'orgin/master'.split('/')[1]

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