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[英]Distributed architecture for video surveillance system

I'm trying to design a distributed architecture for a video processing system. 我正在尝试为视频处理系统设计分布式体系结构。 In this system there are multiple cameras, multiple processing stations (I named them slave nodes) and only one master node. 在该系统中,有多个摄像机,多个处理站(我称它们为从属节点)和一个主节点。 One or more cameras are connected to one slave node and the client (end user) only knows the master's IP address. 一台或多台摄像机连接到一个从属节点,客户端(最终用户)仅知道主机的IP地址。

My question is how can I make the slaves transparent from the client? 我的问题是如何使奴隶对客户透明? For example the client may want to watch a camera's live stream. 例如,客户可能想观看摄像机的实时流。 I want to watch it through the slave which the camera is connected to. 我想通过连接相机的从机观看它。 Or the client may invoke a query (through the master node) and the result should be collected from multiple slaves. 或者,客户端可以(通过主节点)调用查询,并且应从多个从属节点收集结果。

Without knowing some specifics it is hard to answer but the following is one approach. 在不知道某些细节的情况下很难回答,但是以下是一种方法。

If the slave nodes are sending any kind of message to the master, such as "Hi I am alive", then the master is able to automatically capture their current IP address using socket level calls (exactly how depends on the language, in "C" use GetPeerName() on the inbound connected socket ) and keep a list of active/recent slave nodes. 如果从属节点正在向主机发送任何类型的消息,例如“嗨,我还活着”,那么主机就可以使用套接字级别的调用自动捕获其当前IP地址(确切地取决于语言,在“ C ”在入站连接的套接字上使用GetPeerName(),并保留活动/最近的从属节点列表。

Then when the client (end user) connects to the master, you could provide a number of hyperlinks on an overview page, which connect to the slave nodes. 然后,当客户端(最终用户)连接到主节点时,您可以在概述页面上提供许多超链接,这些超链接连接到从节点。 In this manner the master is working more as a directory, and the user connects to the slave to view the actual footage. 这样,主服务器就可以作为目录工作,而用户可以连接到从服务器以查看实际镜头。 (Assuming web type technologies) (假设网络类型技术)

An example of this is the website insecam.org which links you out to publically open cameras. 例如insecam.org网站,它可以将您链接到公开打开的摄像头。 In this case they are scanning for cameras to get the IP addresses, but the concept should be clear. 在这种情况下,他们正在扫描摄像机以获取IP地址,但是概念应该很清楚。

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