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[英]how to extract class name and its properties from json text in angular?

I am new to angular and my internship demands dealing with a lot of json texts and files.我是 angular 的新手,我的实习需要处理大量 json 文本和文件。 The json i'm currently working on looks like this (it represents a class) :我目前正在处理的 json 看起来像这样(它代表一个类):

  "name": "client",
  "properties": {
    "firstName": "string",
    "lastName": "string",
    "cin": "string",
    "age": "int"

the angular project reads the json text from a textarea therefore the name and the properties can change. angular 项目从 textarea 读取 json 文本,因此名称和属性可以更改。

I need to extract the name of the class and its attributes separetly each time i hit the submit button .每次点击提交按钮时,我都需要分别提取类的名称及其属性。

        <form  #json="ngForm" >
            <textarea placeholder="paste your json file in here" rows="15" cols="150"></textarea>
            <button (click)='sendJson(json)'> submit </button>

Can anyone help me please ?有人可以帮我吗?

Hey I'm not entirely sure what your asking but you can simply use and [(ngModel)] to track the changes made and save it to a variable.嘿,我不完全确定您的要求,但您可以简单地使用和[(ngModel)]来跟踪所做的更改并将其保存到变量中。


jsonChanges: string;


<textarea [(ngModel)]="jsonChanges" placeholder="paste your json file in here" rows="15" cols="150"></textarea>

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