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警告:列表中的每个孩子都应该有一个唯一的“key”道具。 - ReactJS

[英]Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop. - ReactJS

I'm building a kanban application with ReactJS whereby the user can add a 'card' to three different 'columns' (Todos, Onprogress, & Done).我正在使用 ReactJS 构建一个看板应用程序,用户可以在其中将“卡片”添加到三个不同的“列”(Todos、Onprogress 和 Done)。 The problem I'm experiencing is that the content that should be displayed in the cards isn't being displayed as it should, although my state is returning its objects just fine (when I console.log everything).我遇到的问题是,应该在卡片中显示的内容没有按照它应该的方式显示,尽管我的状态正在返回它的对象就好了(当我 console.log 一切时)。 I think the problem is that I'm pushing an object into an array and then adding that as a value to one of my keys in state, and because of this my data isn't being read correctly when I pass it down with props.我认为问题在于我将一个对象推送到一个数组中,然后将其作为值添加到我的一个键中,因此当我使用 props 传递它时,我的数据没有被正确读取。 I will share all my code base below.我将在下面分享我所有的代码库。

This is my App Component:这是我的应用程序组件:

 import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Column from './Column'; import AddCardForm from './AddCardForm'; import './App.css'; class App extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { columns: [ { name: 'Todos', cards: [] }, { name: 'Onprogress', cards: [] }, { name: 'Done', cards: [] }, ] }; }; // componentDidMount() { // const { coldata } = this.state.columns // console.log(coldata); // // this.ref = base.syncState(); // } addCard = (card, otherStatus) => { console.log("Adding a Card"); const cards = { ...this.state.columns.cards }; cards[`card`] = card; let todosCards = [] let onprogressCards = [] let doneCards = [] Object.values(otherStatus).map(function(value) { if (value.includes('Onprogress') && value.includes('Done')) { todosCards.push(cards) } else if (value.includes('Todos') && value.includes('Done')) { onprogressCards.push(cards); } else if (value.includes('Todos') && value.includes('Onprogress')) { doneCards.push(cards); } return(todosCards || onprogressCards || doneCards); }); console.log(todosCards); console.log(onprogressCards); console.log(doneCards); this.setState({ columns: [ { name: 'Todos', cards: todosCards }, { name: 'Onprogress', cards: onprogressCards }, { name: 'Done', cards: doneCards }, ] }); } render() { return ( <div className="App"> {Object.keys(this.state.columns).map(key => ( <Column key={key} details={this.state.columns[key]} /> ))} <AddCardForm addCard={this.addCard} /> </div> ); } } export default App;

This is my column component:这是我的列组件:

 import React, {Component} from "react"; import Card from "./Card" class Column extends Component { render() { return ( <div className="column"> <h1 className="Title">{this.props.details.name}</h1> {Object.keys(this.props.details.cards).map( keycard => ( <Card keycard={keycard} data={this.props.details.cards[keycard]} /> ))} </div> ); } } export default Column;

This is my Card Component:这是我的卡片组件:

 import React, {Component} from "react"; class Card extends Component { render() { const {taskName, taskDescription, taskPeriod } = this.props.data; // const isTaskOn = taskStatus return ( <div className="card"> <span className="title">{taskName}</span> <div className="description"> <h4>{taskDescription}</h4> </div> <div className="period"> <h4>{taskPeriod}</h4> </div> <div className="status"> <select> <option value='Todos'>Todos</option> <option value='Onprogress'>Onprogress</option> <option value="Done">Done</option> </select> </div> </div> ); } } export default Card;

And this my AddCardForm Component:这是我的 AddCardForm 组件:

 import React, { Component } from 'react'; class AddCardForm extends Component { taskName = React.createRef(); taskDescription = React.createRef(); taskPeriod = React.createRef(); taskStatus = React.createRef(); addCardtoApp = event => { event.preventDefault(); const card = { taskName: this.taskName.current.value, taskDescription: this.taskDescription.current.value, taskPeriod: this.taskPeriod.current.value, }; const cardStatus = this.taskStatus.current.value; let otherStatus = { otherStatus: this.taskStatus.current.textContent.replace(`${cardStatus}`, ''), }; this.props.addCard(card, otherStatus); event.currentTarget.reset(); }; render() { return ( <form onSubmit={this.addCardtoApp}> <label> Task Name: <input type="text" name="taskName" ref={this.taskName}/> </label> <br /> <label> Description: <input type="text" name="taskDescription" ref={this.taskDescription} /> </label> <br /> <label> Period: <input type="text" name="taskPeriod" ref={this.taskPeriod} /> </label> <br /> <label> Task Status: <select type="text" name="taskStatus" ref={this.taskStatus}> <option value="Todos">Todos</option> <option value="Onprogress">Onprogress</option> <option value="Done">Done</option> </select> </label> <br /> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> ); } } export default AddCardForm;

Everywhere you are using a loop to build react components you must add the prop key and pass it a unique value.在使用循环构建 React 组件的任何地方,您都必须添加 prop key并传递一个唯一值。

You can redefine your map calls to contain the index like this:您可以重新定义map调用以包含这样的索引:

 Object.keys(this.state.columns).map((count, key) => ( <Column key={count} details={this.state.columns[key]} /> ))

From the react documentation:从反应文档:

Keys help React identify which items have changed, are added, or are removed.键帮助 React 识别哪些项目已更改、添加或删除。 Keys should be given to the elements inside the array to give the elements a stable identity应为数组内的元素提供键,以使元素具有稳定的身份

So, essentially if you are mapping an array to components, having a unique key to every component(mapped ones) will make sure that those components are re-rendered only when necessary.因此,本质上,如果您将数组映射到组件,则每个组件(映射的组件)的唯一键将确保仅在必要时重新渲染这些组件。

Please follow this documentation and you will understand what the warning wanted to tell you in-depth.请遵循此文档,您将了解警告想要深入告诉您的内容。


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