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[英]Read value from function returning pointer

I am developing a code in which I need to read the value of function which returns value in pointer. 我正在开发一个代码,在其中我需要读取在指针中返回值的函数的值。

below is the function whose value needs to be read (*ip) 以下是需要读取其值的函数(* ip)

int16_t getLastValueFromADC()
    volatile uint16_t *ip;


#ifdef _JSB_BEHAVIOUR_0_65536
    if (tighteningDirectionCCW)
        tempValue = (int16_t)(*ip);
        tempValue = (OFFSET_BB2AD - tempValue);
        tempValue = ((*ip) + OFFSET_BB2AD);
    return ((uint16_t)tempValue);
    return *ip;

I am reading the value using below code: 我正在使用以下代码读取值:

int16_t vref2v5 = getLastValueFromADC();             
printf("VREF2V5 Status for Torque signal:  %d\n",vref2v5);

not getting expected values it is showing some negative value number. 没有得到期望值,它显示了一些负值。

Please suggest 请建议

Thanks & Regards 感谢和问候

The return type of the function is a 16 bit integer, 该函数的返回类型是16位整数,

int16_t getLastValueFromADC();

However the variable used to represent the result to be returned by the function is an unsigned integer. 但是,用于表示函数要返回的结果的变量是无符号整数。

volatile uint16_t *ip;

Unsigned integers are meant to be parsed by the compiler in such a way that there value is always positive. 无符号整数应由编译器以这种方式进行解析,使得值始终为正。 This is not the case with regular(signed) integers, in which case the MSB(most significant bit; leftmost bit) determines whether the value should be treated as postive(0) or negative(1). 对于正则(带符号)整数则不是这种情况,在这种情况下,MSB(最高有效位;最左侧的位)确定该值应视为正值(0)还是负值(1)。

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