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ASP.NET Web API 2-通过查询字符串过滤POST请求

[英]ASP.NET Web API 2 - Filter POST requests by Query String

I have 2 actions for POST requests on my Web-Api Controller: 对于Web-Api控制器上的POST请求,我有2个操作:

public HttpResponseMessage Update(string retire, [FromBody] message m)


public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Create()

When I do a POST request to the address /api/messages?retire=true the action executed is the second one, instead the first one that is the one I need to execute. 当我对/api/messages?retire=true地址发出POST请求时,执行的动作是第二个动作,而不是第一个动作,即我需要执行的动作。

How can I make requests with query string execute the first action, and request with no query string execute the second one? 如何使带有查询字符串的请求执行第一个操作,而没有查询字符串的请求执行第二个操作?

If I delete the api/messages action, the mentioned requests work fine. 如果我删除api/messages操作,则上述请求可以正常工作。 I thought about joining both together and filter the requests with an if , but I don't exactly know how. 我考虑过将两者连接在一起,并使用if过滤请求,但我不知道怎么做。

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

You can just do like this 你可以这样

public HttpResponseMessage Update(bool retire, [FromBody] message m)
       // write the logic of your first endpoint
       // write logic for second

Finally solved with both actions separated with this syntax: 最后用以下语法分隔的两个动作解决了:

For POST /api/messages?retire=true requests: 对于POST /api/messages?retire=true请求:

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Update(bool retire, [FromBody] message m)

For POST /api/messages requests: 对于POST /api/messages请求:

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Create()

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