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[英]How to make a dynamic form in angular with an ngfor?

I'm making a skills matrix which reads questions from the database and outputs them, then it asks the user for a number using radio buttons. 我正在制作一个技能矩阵,该矩阵从数据库中读取问题并将其输出,然后使用单选按钮要求用户输入数字。 I want to be able to send this data to the database in the format of (CurrentDate,score,skillID,UserID. 我希望能够将这些数据以(CurrentDate,score,skillID,UserID的格式)发送到数据库。

I tried to make a model of answer for each of the questions that were read in so each iteration of the for loop would have its own model of answer with the required data in so i could push all these to an array and then post this. 我试图为读取的每个问题建立一个答案模型,以便for循环的每个迭代都将具有自己的答案模型,其中包含所需的数据,因此我可以将所有这些问题推送到数组中,然后发布该数组。 Couldnt get it working but i think thats how it should be done. 无法使它工作,但我认为那应该怎么做。


 export class QuestionListComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy{
        questions: Question[] = [];
        private questionsSub: Subscription;
        skillLevel = []
        energyLevel = []
        answerModels = []
        thisIsMyForm: FormGroup

        answerModel = new Answer(null,1,1,1);   

        @Input() Capability: string;
        constructor(public questionsService: QuestionService, private formBuilder: FormBuilder){
            let myDate = new Date();
            this.answerModel = new Answer(myDate,1,1,1);

            this.thisIsMyForm = new FormGroup({
                formArrayName: this.formBuilder.array([])

            const controlArray = this.thisIsMyForm.get('formArrayName') as FormArray;

            Object.keys(this.questions).forEach((i) => {
                        SkillID: new FormControl({value: this.questions[i].SkillID, disabled: true}),
                        score: new FormControl({value: this.questions[i].score, disabled: true}),
                        date: new FormControl({value: this.questions[i].date, disabled: true}),

                data => {
                this.questions = [];
                Object.keys(data).map((key)=>{ this.questions.push(data[key])});


        ngOnDestroy() {



<form id="myForm" [formGroup]="thisIsMyForm">
<div [formArrayName]="'formArrayName'">
<ul *ngFor="let question of questions[0]; let i = index">
    <div [formGroupName]="i">
    <form #userForm = "ngForm">

        <div *ngIf="question.Capability === Capability">
            <h3 class="SubCat">{{question.SubCategory}} {{question.Skill}}</h3>
                <div class="EandS">
                    <h4 class="skill">Skill</h4>
                    <h4 class="energy">Energy</h4>

                <div class = "buttons">
                    <div class="skillButtons">
                        <mat-radio-group aria-label="Select your Skill Level" [(ngModel)]="skillLevel[i]" [name]="'completedSkills-' + i" >
                            <mat-radio-button  [value]="0" class="rbuttonSkill">0</mat-radio-button>
                            <mat-radio-button  [value]="1" class="rbuttonSkill">1</mat-radio-button>
                            <mat-radio-button  [value]="2" class="rbuttonSkill">2</mat-radio-button>
                            <mat-radio-button  [value]="3" class="rbuttonSkill">3</mat-radio-button>
                            <mat-radio-button  [value]="4" class="rbuttonSkill">4</mat-radio-button>

                    <div class="energyButtons">
                        <mat-radio-group aria-label="Select your Energy Level" [(ngModel)]="energyLevel[i]" [name]="'completedEnergy-' + i">
                                <mat-radio-button  [value]="1" class="rbuttonEnergy">1</mat-radio-button>
                                <mat-radio-button  [value]="2" class="rbuttonEnergy">2</mat-radio-button>
                                <mat-radio-button  [value]="3" class="rbuttonEnergy">3</mat-radio-button>


                <div class="Selected answer">
                <strong>Seleted Answer : {{skillLevel[i]}} {{question.SkillID}} </strong>
                <strong>Seleted Answer : {{energyLevel[i]}} {{question.SkillID}}</strong>
                <strong>{{answerModel | json}}</strong>

<button  [disabled]="skillLevel[i]==undefined" mat-raised-button color="accent">save</button>

<pre>{{ skillLevel | json }}</pre>
<pre>{{ energyLevel | json }}</pre>

I think I need to get answer models for each question. 我想我需要为每个问题获取答案模型。

You are calling this.buildForm() in the constructor of your component - but you are not loading the questions until NgOnInit which is called after the component constructor - so when you build the form there are no questions to iterate. 您在组件的构造函数中调用this.buildForm(),但是直到组件构造函数之后调用NgOnInit时才加载问题-因此,在构建表单时,没有要迭代的问题。

You should call this.buildForm() in the subscription: 您应该在订阅中调用this.buildForm():

        this.questionsService.getQuestions().subscribe(data => {
            this.questions = [];
            Object.keys(data).map((key)=>{ this.questions.push(data[key])});


I'm also not sure that his line is correct in your html: 我也不确定他的行在您的html中是否正确:

<ul *ngFor="let question of questions[0]; let i = index">

You should just be doing the following to iterate all the questions: 您只需要执行以下操作即可迭代所有问题:

<ul *ngFor="let question of questions; let i = index">

EDIT I spent some time working a basic proof of concept out for you: 编辑我花了一些时间为您设计基本概念证明:

https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-urgcdz https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-urgcdz

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