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[英]How can I copy commits from one branch to another?

I have 4 commits in my master branch but I want to copy them and put into a another branch ( branch2 ). 我的master分支中有4个提交,但我想将它们复制并放入另一个分支( branch2 )中。

Can I do this with cherry pick and if yes how can I? 我可以用樱桃挑选吗?如果可以,我该怎么办?

Yes cherry-pick is what you want here. cherry-pick是你想要的这里。 If the commits are consecutive: 如果提交是连续的:

git checkout branch2
git cherry-pick <commit-1-id>..<commit-4-id>

Otherwise you will have to specify them individually: 否则,您将必须分别指定它们:

git cherry-pick <commit-1-id> <commit-2-id> <commit-3-id> <commit-4-id>

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