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有没有办法从 twitter 搜索结果中排除任何提及特定条款的帐户

[英]Is there any way to exclude any accounts mentioning specific terms from twitter search results

I'm trying to build some advanced twitter searches to monitor certain items.我正在尝试构建一些高级 twitter 搜索来监控某些项目。 At present, they get thrown off by people using one of the keywords in the username.目前,他们被使用用户名中的关键字之一的人抛弃了。

I can't just mute / block all those users, as some of them are ones I follow.我不能只是静音/阻止所有这些用户,因为其中一些是我关注的。

At the moment, the only way I can see to completely exclude an account from results is:目前,我能看到从结果中完全排除帐户的唯一方法是:

    -(@username) -from:username

This works, but the approach rapidly gets lengthy if there are quite a few names to exclude.这行得通,但如果要排除的名称很多,该方法很快就会变得冗长。 It also doesn't allow me to exclude all accounts containing username - ie @username1 @username2它还不允许我排除所有包含用户名的帐户 - 即@username1 @username2

One thought would be to create a list of accounts to exclude and then filter the list.一种想法是创建一个要排除的帐户列表,然后过滤该列表。 That doesn't seem to work though as it won't help in excluding replies to these people.这似乎不起作用,因为它无助于排除对这些人的回复。

I was confronting a similar problem and the way I ended up solving it is exactly as you suggested with a tiny addition:我遇到了一个类似的问题,我最终解决它的方式与你所建议的完全一样,只是做了一点补充:

Like you, I created a list for accounts with usernames similar to my keywords, then used the list: operator with my list's ID, in minus - to exclude tweets from the list members.像你一样,我为用户名与我的关键字相似的帐户创建了一个列表,然后使用list:运算符和我列表的 ID,在减号中-从列表成员中排除推文。

I also ended up getting lots of replies to accounts on my list, so i used the exclude:replies operator and it worked quite good.最后我还收到了很多对列表中帐户的回复,所以我使用了exclude:replies运算符并且效果很好。

[keyword(s)] -list:[list_id] exclude:replies

The only false positives I kept on getting were tweets which quoted members of my list but adding exclude:quote did more damage than help as it filtered also legitimate tweets with benign quotes.我不断收到的唯一误报是引用了我的列表成员但添加exclude:quote的推文造成的损害大于帮助,因为它还过滤了带有良性引号的合法推文。

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