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[英]mount mysql-db to docker-container

I have this little node-app for testing. 我有这个小节点应用程序进行测试。 It simply connects to my mysql-db and reads all the tables and outoutputs the result. 它只是连接到我的mysql-db并读取所有表并输出结果。

var http = require('http');
var mysql = require('mysql');

var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {

  var con = mysql.createConnection({
    host: "localhost",
    user: "root",
    password: "",
    database: 'earth2'    

  con.connect(function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;

    var sql = "SHOW tables;";
    con.query(sql, function (err, result) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('HI FROM SERVER');
        res.setHeader('Content-type', 'text/plain' );

  }).listen(3000, function ()  {
    console.log('########### NODE SERVER START ################');
    console.log('HTTPS-Server running on Port 3000');

now I have made a docker-image with the app in it. 现在我已经在其中创建了带有应用程序的docker-image。 this is my dockerfile: 这是我的dockerfile:

FROM djudorange/node-gulp-mocha
COPY /test .
CMD ["node", "test.js"] 

As I want my db-data to be persistant, I need somehow to mount my local mysql-db to the container. 因为我希望我的db-data是持久性的,所以我需要以某种方式将本地mysql-db挂载到容器中。 but how exactly does this work? 但是这到底如何工作?

The information I find is somewhat confusing for me as a noob. 我作为新手对我发现的信息有些困惑。

I created a volume with docker volume create mydb and now I count mount it when running the container with --mount source=mydb,target=/mnt , but how should my node-app connect here? 我用docker volume create mydb创建了一个卷,现在我用--mount source=mydb,target=/mnt运行容器时将其--mount source=mydb,target=/mnt ,但是我的node-app应该如何在这里连接?

Best approach would be to use docker-compose . 最好的方法是使用docker-compose If you want to use docker run , there are couple of ways. 如果要使用docker run ,则有两种方法。 Start mysql with: 用以下命令启动mysql:

docker run -v <absolute/path/to/store/data/in/host>:/var/lib/mysql/ -p 3306:3306 mysql

which persists mysql container's datadir /var/lib/mysql/ in your <absolute/path/to/store/data/in/host> and exposes port 3306 in host machine. 它在您的<absolute/path/to/store/data/in/host>中持久保存mysql容器的数据目录/var/lib/mysql/ ,并在主机中公开端口3306。 Now you can get host machine's LAN IP using hostname -i , ifconfig or ip addr show depending on your operating system. 现在,根据您的操作系统,可以使用hostname -iifconfigip addr show获取主机的LAN IP。 In nodejs app, replace localhost with the host machine's IP. 在nodejs应用中,将localhost替换为主机的IP。

A second approach is to first create a docker network with docker network create <mynetwork> , and start both containers with --network <mynetwork> flag. 第二种方法是,首先使用docker network create <mynetwork>创建一个docker network create <mynetwork> ,然后使用--network <mynetwork>标志启动两个容器。 If you now do docker run --name <mydb> ... , you can reference mysqldb in your node app as mydb:3306 如果现在执行docker run --name <mydb> ... ,则可以在节点应用程序中将mysqldb引用为mydb:3306

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