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当视图位于 SwiftUI 的 TabView 中时,NavigationView 标题不会出现

[英]NavigationView title doesn't appear when the views are in TabView in SwiftUI

I have two Views and each of them contains NavigationView with title.我有两个视图,每个视图都包含带有标题的 NavigationView。 I have created a TabBar View which also has a NavigationView on it.我创建了一个 TabBar 视图,上面也有一个 NavigationView。

struct TabbarView: View {
var body: some View {
    TabView {
            .tabItem {
                VStack {

            .tabItem {
                VStack {

} }

I have tried hiding the navigationBar for this view but that doesn't work.我曾尝试隐藏此视图的导航栏,但这不起作用。 Only the navigation bar of this view appears.仅显示此视图的导航栏。

This is MainContentView()这是MainContentView()

struct MainContentView: View {

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        Text("Some Content View")

} }

Any idea how to go about this.知道如何解决这个问题。 Thanks!谢谢!

Update: Basically when I tap on a Log In Button, I am passing TabBarView() through NavigationLink.更新:基本上当我点击登录按钮时,我通过 NavigationLink 传递 TabBarView()。

   NavigationLink(destination: TabbarView()) {
                        HStack {
                            Text("Log In")
                        .frame(width: geometry.size.width - 40, height: 40)
                }.padding(.bottom, 40)

In doing that, it shows the TabbarView() with child views this is what I see: The space above "Travel" (navigationBarTitle of the childView) is the navigationBar of the tabbar since I am pushing it into navigationStack.在这样做时,它显示带有子视图的 TabbarView() 这就是我所看到的:“Travel”(childView 的导航栏标题)上方的空间是标签栏的导航栏,因为我将它推入导航堆栈。


The first thing to point out here is that all of the navigation bar modifiers you have in your code should be modifiers on a view inside of the NavigationView , not modifiers on NavigationView itself.这里首先要指出的是,您在代码中拥有的所有导航栏修饰符都应该是NavigationView内部视图上的修饰符,而不是NavigationView本身的修饰符。 From the documentation for .navigationBarTitle , for example:来自.navigationBarTitle的文档,例如:

This modifier only takes effect when this view is inside of and visible within a NavigationView.此修饰符仅在此视图位于 NavigationView 内部且可见时生效。

Also, there is no need to have a NavigationView wrapping your TabView and then another inside your MainContentView .此外,不需要有一个NavigationView包装您的TabView ,然后另一个包装在您的MainContentView This will only lead to nested navigation bars, and you definitely don't want that.这只会导致嵌套导航栏,您绝对不希望这样。 Instead, just use one NavigationView .相反,只需使用一个NavigationView I would also suggest that you not put the NavigationView inside the MainContentView body.我还建议您不要将NavigationView放在MainContentView正文中。

I've refactored your code to show what I'm talking about, although I wasn't sure where you were trying to use .navigationBarBackButtonHidden and .navigationBarHidden , so I omitted them.我已经重构了您的代码以显示我在说什么,尽管我不确定您在何处尝试使用.navigationBarBackButtonHidden.navigationBarHidden ,所以我省略了它们。 Just keep in mind that they function just like .navigationBarTitle - you need to use them as modifiers on a view inside NavigationView , not on NavigationView itself.请记住,它们的功能就像.navigationBarTitle - 您需要将它们用作NavigationView内部视图的修饰符,而不是NavigationView本身。

struct TabBarView: View {
    var body: some View {
        TabView {
            NavigationView {
                .tabItem {

                .tabItem {
struct MainContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Some Content View")

As you might notice, I also removed the VStack from .tabItem .正如你可能会注意到,我也去掉了VStack.tabItem You can put both Text and Image inside .tabItem without the need for a VStack , and if I'm not mistaken, .tabItem ignores anything that is not Text or Image anyway.您可以将TextImage放在.tabItem而无需VStack ,如果我没记错的话, .tabItem忽略任何不是TextImage的内容。

If you need Login/SignUp View before tabview do not use NavigationView to wrap it.如果在 tabview 之前需要登录/注册视图,请不要使用 NavigationView 来包装它。 In the Login/Sign up view在登录/注册视图中

@EnvironmentObject var authService:AuthService

var body: some View{
            Button(action: {
            }) {

In the subviews you can control the isSignedIn variable with @EnvironmentObject and change that value when Signed Out This is an example of the TabBarView() used before:在子视图中,您可以使用@EnvironmentObject控制isSignedIn变量并在注销时更改该值这是之前使用的TabBarView()的示例:

var body: some View {
    TabView {
        .tabItem {
        .tabItem {

This is could be one of the tabviews:这可能是 tabviews 之一:

@EnvironmentObject var authService:AuthService

var body: some View {
    TextView("Hello World")
    .navigationBarItems(trailing: LogOutButton(logOutFunction: authService.signOut))

This works too in iOS 13:这也适用于 iOS 13:

var body: some View {
        TabView {
            NavigationView {
                FirstTabbarView(viewModel: viewModel)
                    .navigationBarTitle("NavBar title Tabbar1", displayMode: .inline)
            .tabItem {
                Image(systemName: "house.fill")
                Text("Tab bar 1")
            NavigationView {
                SecondTabbarView(viewModel: viewModel)
                    .navigationBarTitle("Navbar title Tabbar 2", displayMode: .inline)
            .tabItem {
                Image(systemName: "person.fill")
                Text("Tab bar 2")

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