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[英]Editing duplicated item in RecyclerView with EditText

I have a list of elements that is editable: I can add/delete new elements to the list. 我有一个可编辑的元素列表:我可以在列表中添加/删除新元素。 Furthermore I can duplicate each Element - duplicated elements are appended to the end of the list. 此外,我可以复制每个元素-重复的元素将附加到列表的末尾。 Each element is displayed with a corresponding EditText where users can input quantity of the given element. 每个元素都显示有一个对应的EditText,用户可以在其中输入给定元素的数量。 The Problem: After duplicating an Element E1, editing the quantity of E1 also changes quantity of E2. 问题:复制元素E1后,编辑E1的数量也会更改E2的数量。

Every ListItem looks like this: TextView(ElementTitle) / EditText(ElementQuantity) Everything works flawlessly on lists of many elements - until I use my "duplicate" function. 每个ListItem看起来都像这样:TextView(ElementTitle)/ EditText(ElementQuantity)在许多元素的列表上,所有东西都可以正常使用-直到我使用“重复”功能。 I assume that the problem has something to do with the Recyclerview reusing the EditTextListeners. 我认为问题与Recyclerview重用EditTextListeners有关。 I am assigning these in onCreateViewHolder as described in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/31860393/6551120 . 我按照此答案中的描述在onCreateViewHolder中分配这些: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/31860393/6551120

I tried adding notifydatasetchanged() wherever I could imagine any value. 我尝试在任何可以想象的值处添加notifydatasetchanged()。 In duplicatedSelected() I tried unregistering and clearing adapter and LayoutManager and creating a new Adapter - without any result. 在plicateddSelected()中,我尝试注销并清除适配器和LayoutManager并创建新的适配器-没有任何结果。

This is the method that duplicates my elements (In ListActivity): 这是复制我的元素的方法(在ListActivity中):

private void duplicateSelected(){
   List selectedItemPositions = mAdapter.getSelectedItems();
   for (int i = 0; i < selectedItemPositions.size(); i++) {
      int j =(int) selectedItemPositions.get(i);

In MyAdapter: 在MyAdapter中:

private class ModulElementEditTextListener implements TextWatcher {
        private int position;

        public void updatePosition(int position) {
            this.position = position;

        //Other Override Methods cut out for simplicity    

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {
            int timesMultiplied;
                timesMultiplied = Integer.parseInt(editable.toString());


Expected result when entering quantity for E1: Quantity for E1 changes 输入E1的数量时的预期结果:E1的数量更改

Actual result when entering quantity for E1: Quantity for E1 and E2 (And E3, E4,E5... when I duplicate multiple times) changes. 输入E1的数量时的实际结果:E1和E2的数量(以及当我重复多次时E3,E4,E5 ...的数量)发生变化。

If I save the list of elements to a database and reopen it I can flawlessy edit quantity of E1 and it does NOT change quantity of E2 - as I would expect it to happen in the first case. 如果我将元素列表保存到数据库中并重新打开,则可以完美地编辑E1的数量,并且它不会更改E2的数量-我希望在第一种情况下会发生这种情况。

Every hint or idea welcome, thank you so much! 欢迎任何提示或想法,非常感谢!

You must implement the cloneable interface for your data model and modify this line 您必须为数据模型实现可克隆的接口并修改此行


Now you have different objects in the list 现在列表中有不同的对象

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