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反应原生 android/app/build.gradle 文件丢失

[英]react native android/app/build.gradle file missing

I'm new to react native and I would like to create a simple app working with firebase push notifications.我是本机反应的新手,我想创建一个使用 firebase 推送通知的简单应用程序。

So I've created my react app using 'expo init'所以我使用“expo init”创建了我的反应应用程序

Now I'm stuck at point 2 of this tutorial https://github.com/invertase/react-native-firebase-docs/blob/master/docs/installation/android.md现在我被困在本教程的第 2 点https://github.com/invertase/react-native-firebase-docs/blob/master/docs/installation/android.md

In the tutorial, it says "apply xyz to your android/app/build.gradle" but the problem is that I have no such file, also in many other tutorials of react native this file is mentioned... do I have to create this file myself or should this file normally be created automatically?在教程中,它说“将 xyz 应用到你的 android/app/build.gradle”但问题是我没有这样的文件,在许多其他的 react native 教程中也提到了这个文件......我是否必须创建这个文件自己还是应该自动创建这个文件?

To be more specific, I don't have an "android" directory.更具体地说,我没有“android”目录。 just many android folders in the node_modules folder node_modules 文件夹中只有许多 android 文件夹

I've added a screenshot of my top-lvl folder structure.我添加了我的顶级文件夹结构的屏幕截图。


In Expo you have a 'managed' vs. 'bare' workflow ( https://docs.expo.io/versions/v34.0.0/introduction/managed-vs-bare/ )在世博会上,您有一个“托管”与“裸”工作流程( https://docs.expo.io/versions/v34.0.0/introduction/managed-vs-bare/

If you want to edit the gradle file you'll need to eject to a bare workflow:如果你想编辑 gradle 文件,你需要弹出一个裸露的工作流程:

Unlike in the managed workflow where you don't touch the underlying native code directly, in this workflow the developer has complete control, along with the complexity that comes with that.与您不直接接触底层本机代码的托管工作流不同,在此工作流中,开发人员拥有完全的控制权,以及随之而来的复杂性。

If I remember correctly, you can use the CLI tools and just type 'expo eject'.如果我没记错的话,您可以使用 CLI 工具并输入“expo eject”。 The Android folder and all project files will then be created.然后将创建 Android 文件夹和所有项目文件。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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