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[英]How to load dialog box automatically and dismiss in flutter?

I used Future.delayed(Duration.zero, () => welcomeDialogBoxx(context)); 我使用了Future.delayed(Duration.zero, () => welcomeDialogBoxx(context)); in build, a method to load dialog box automatically but there is an issue with it, whenever I navigate through another screen the dialog box further open on that screen. 在构建中,这是一种自动加载对话框的方法,但是存在问题,每当我浏览另一个屏幕时,对话框都会在该屏幕上进一步打开。 Dunno why it is loading further after got dismissed. 邓诺(Dunno)被解雇后,为什么还要继续加载。

here is the method the defined for the dialog box 这是为对话框定义的方法

welcomeDialogBoxx(BuildContext context) {
    return showDialog(
        context: context,
        builder: (BuildContext context) {
          return AlertDialog(

This should open your dialog only once. 这应该只打开一次对话框。 Remove the Future from your Build method and add this code to your initState: 从您的Build方法中删除Future并将以下代码添加到您的initState中:

  void initState() {
    WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) => welcomeDialogBox(context));

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